Hmmm...Go back to 2010, and USA has 2 World Junior Golds, plus considerably more success than Russia at the U18 level. Now you could argue that this is a product of hothousing NTDP guys, still you can't really argue with success. In recent years, USA's junior program doesn't take a backseat to anybody ( and I'm Canuck )
In that quarter final contest, and in the previous year, USA seemed to get emotionally discombobulated vs Russia ( losing their cool, shooting themselves in the foot, with foolish penalties, useless emotional outbursts yadda yadda )...let's call it ,
Miracle on Ice syndrome :
Similarly....Swede Juniors, going all the way back to Forsberg and his Daddy, and let's not forget Divestrom et al, seem to have a similar ( how shall I put this? ) emotional fragility, when it comes to do or die games vs Canada's youngsters..let's call it the
yellow-belly complex?