Ive never seen a team shoot themselves in the foot as often as this one.
This is what happens when you leave kids alone without adult supervision...
Ive never seen a team shoot themselves in the foot as often as this one.
Don't worry guys Blackwood got this
I don't blame Hicketts who was just trying to make a hockey play. Wouldn't be a 5 on 3 if it wasn't for Virtanen.
This says more about McDonald than it does Blackwood at this point.
Hicketts plays for the Victoria Royals. Please adjust the confidence you have in your own opinions accordingly.
Because his backup is garbage.
Laine will be drafted top5 no doubt. Looks like Kovy
An entire country just looked at Virtanen like, "you ****ing dumbass"
I've often wondered why Team Canada stays away from NCAA players. Hicketts just answered why.