At most maybe one person might have said the bolded once. I'm more than willing to bet, like most of the times you want to pretend you're so much smarter than the forum but are unable to understand the points brought up, you just made up the argument in your head.
And even if someone was wrong, so what? At least they have the backbone to speak up and be willing to make a mistake. All I hear from you and other notorious troll buddies of yours is reductive contrarianism and smug back-patting the moment someone else has a take they may change their mind on.
I don't even understand why you bother with us since we're all apparently so beneath you.
Since you don't pickup sarcasm very well, I can't help you out very much.
Replace Fagemo, with Chromiak, with Kaliyev, with tens of dozens of other prospects throughout the years, the results are still the same, it's extremely hard to make the league. The problem isn't Fagemo or any other prospect, more the bitching and whining about how this management group "RUINS YOUNG PLAYERS" then brings up players that just aren't good enough to make it in the NHL as a whole, as "PROOF" Fagemo, JAD, Kaliyev, etc, those players aren't ruined, they just are what they are, bubble NHL players who were just good enough to get a cup of coffee, but not good enough to sustain. So they are "ruined", well, to the uneducated eye they are ruined, to people who know the game, actually know the game, they realize that sometimes, prospects just don't click right away, I mean the league is absolutely littered with players who didn't make it somewhere, but clicked somewhere else, that's not a "ruined" player, that's not "bad management" that's called sport.
You say all you hear from me is reductive contrarianism and smug back patting the minute someone changes their mind, well for the most part when people change their mind, it's mainly because they rushed to judgement in the first place instead of thinking about it.
This form would be a helluva lot better if people thought about their posts from the sport side of it, rather than the "fan" side of it. Which is a lot to ask, I get it, considering, fans etc, but hey, all you hear from me is the equivalent of nanny nanny boo boo you were wrong, if that's the only thing you hear, then you sure as hell aren't paying attention.