pre game habbits?

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Registered User
Sep 11, 2005
St. Paul, Minnesota
I don't eat 5 hours before face off. I try to sleep or at least relax a couple of hours almost immediately after my last meal.

I get up and spend about an hour taking 5-6 nervous craps until I am as empty as a bulemic chick.

I take a shower and brush my teeth.

I wrap my groins with elastic bandages and put on my compression shorts. Put on my sweats and t-shirt.

I take all my gear out of my bag and put it back in so I know I don't forget anything like my dumb a$$ teammates routinely do. I fill my water bottle. Then I put the stuff in my car right away so there are no lingering doubts.

I drive slowly to the arena, usually arriving first.

I try to get my equipment on right away so I can get my skates on my feet and let them heat up a little. I sit quietly while my teammates yap about their friggin' lives.

I go out take a few laps, take a few shots, sit on the bench and drink water until the buzzer sounds.

I skate to the face off circle and game on...


Registered User
Jul 9, 2005
I had a game on Saturday and I stuffed myself full of pizza about 2 hours before the game, thinking I'd be alright by the time the game started. Well, the rule that says "wait at least 30 minutes after eating..." is complete bullcrap. I'm surprised I made it through the game without throwing up, and I certainly didn't play as well as I could have. From now on I am going to eat at least 3 hours prior to game time.


Registered User
Oct 2, 2005
crap and a nap, if you can; pasta 3 hours before; beer is for after the game!~

get there early and get the skates on and walk around in them too... retighten and loosen and tighten until they feel right on my feet...

i always seem to be the first one there...

Slot 3

exitus acta probat
Nov 2, 2005
If it was an important game, I would try to be last to the rink. :)
Then, I would stretch while the coach yells at me. After that I would meditate until its almost gametime.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2005
here`s what I do before hitting the ice:

-after work, I come home and relaxe. get a quick nap if I have time.
-then it`s meal time. preferrably pasta or something that it`ll give me energy. I always try to eat at least 3hrs before a game. I DON`T OVERSTUFF it`s the worse feeling you can have.
-I get to the rink at least an hour or more before game time. I like to watch the others play, gets me more in game mode and I like to observe other players...just to see if I can pickup on some tricks or what not.
-before dressing up, I stretch and hydrate myself...have a piss, maybe a good crap to lighten up. ;)
-like an other poster said: as soon as the zamboni leaves I hit the ice and get into a sweat. some more stretching, skating and shooting.

that`s about it me thinks
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Registered User
Aug 11, 2005
I suggest drinking a couple beers and then going to a chineese buffet. Once you get on the rink and puke for the first should be golden after that.

Ludwig Fell Down

Registered User
Feb 19, 2005
South Shore, MA
name said:
What do you guys do as far as eating is concerned in the case of an early game (7:30 am or earlier)?
I eat toast with peanut butter, won't load up your stomach too much but gives you enough to get through the game. I haven't had to play early games for a while, but I aslo used to go for a quick jog (just under a mile) to get my blood circulating.

jiggs 10

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Dec 5, 2002
Hockeytown, ND
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CanesRock said:
I suggest drinking a couple beers and then going to a chineese buffet. Once you get on the rink and puke for the first should be golden after that.

Ha ha ha ha! I KNEW a 4th liner would finally say something! And this is WHY you are a 4th liner!

Actually, a Chinese buffet is not a bad idea...5 HOURS BEFORE THE GAME!!!!! Rice is easily absorbed in the stomach, and the other crap is not too bad for you, either.

Beer is for after the skate. If you have to drink one before the skate, check on rehab centers.

Corran Horn

Registered User
Aug 22, 2005
I try to have a good breakfast, a big lunch (but not too big), then a small supper. Sometimes for supper I'll have a smoothie from Booster Juice with an energy booster. (Booster Juice) I'll drink water all day long to make sure I'm hydrated.

After supper I'll get my gear into the bag, making sure I'm not missing anything and put the bag in front of the fireplace to warm up for game time. Nothing worse than putting on cold equipment. I'll fill up my water bottle and leave it by the front door so I don't forget it on the kitchen counter again.

I relax before the game. Approximately an hour before the game I'll do some light cardio activity, like riding the stationary bike, or some jumping jacks, and then do some stretching for 1/2 hour.

I arrive at the rink 45 minutes before the game and start to put my gear on. I really enjoy the atmosphere of the locker room and soak it in to help me stay loose for the game.

The moment I step on the ice, that is it. I'm on a mission. I take one quick lap around the entire surface, then I grab a puck and skate around with it in the neutral zone for a few laps, often passing to myself off of the boards. Then I take a few shots at the net, trying to snipe the corners. When the goalie is in the net I don't try to score on him, I just try to warm him up with some well placed shots.

I try to keep my routine as routine as possible, but if something happens to change it, I don't let it bother me. I found that when I got superstitious and had to have things a set way is when I started to play poorly. Last year I scored in every game but one. I had 63 goals in 21 games. This year I was too robotic in my routines and I scored 5 in my first 3 games then I didn't score in my next 6 games. For my last game I just kept loose, I didn't bother myself with having a strict routine. If I didn't do something at the same time as the previous weeks or in the same order, it was no big deal. I intentionaly changed it up, and I went out and got 4 goals.

Most importantly is to keep loose, get good nutrition and be willing to change things up. Superstition can hurt your game more than help it.
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