Dick Pound, chairman of the World Anti-Doping Agency, believes as many as one-third of the NHL's 700 players may be taking some kind of performance-enhancing drug.
"I spoke with Gary [NHL commissioner Gary Bettman] and he said 'We don't have the problem in hockey,'" Pound said Thursday in an interview with the London Free Press. "I told him he does. You wouldn't be far wrong if you said a third" of hockey players are gaining some pharmaceutical assistance.
Asked if he meant performing-enhancing drugs, Pound replied: "Yes."
NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly took exception to Pound's views.
"I would respectfully suggest that Mr. Pound's comments have absolutely no basis in fact," Daly told The Canadian Press. "I find it troubling, to say the least, that he would find it necessary to comment on something he has absolutely no knowledge of.
"Perhaps Mr. Pound would be better served to limit his comments to topics as to which he has knowledge, instead of speculating on matters as to which he has none."
Ted Saskin, executive director of the NHL Players' Association, echoed Daly's sentiments.
"Dick Pound's comments are incredibly irresponsible and have no basis in fact," said Saskin. "He has no knowledge of our sport and our players and frankly has no business making such comments."
Under the terms of the NHL's new collective bargaining agreement, players are subject to a minimum of two drug tests a year without warning. A first-time offender would receive a 20-game suspension. A 60-game suspension would be given to a repeat offender, with a permanent ban for a third offence.
Pound thinks those sanctions do not go far enough.
"The NHL has reached a deal with their players that looks as though they found an early copy of the baseball policy on the floor somewhere," said Pound, a former Canadian Olympic swimmer.
Vancouver Canucks forward Todd Bertuzzi also was bothered by Pound's comments.
"Who's Dick Pound?" Bertuzzi said. "Tell him to come in our dressing room with our shirts off and we'll see how performance-enhanced we are. Tell him he can come hang out with me and see my workout.
"Trust me, we're not."