I dunno, he seems to recognize his weakness here, that he gets confused easily in grey areas. Seems like it just wasn’t a great fit. You have to wonder though, at what point is it on you as a player to break through that and perform? Probably at 8.5 mil.
I don't have anything against or for Dubois, I guess I never really followed him past his reputation by the fans. That being said...
While I feel like it's reasonable that everyone has expectations and preferences on how to be taught or coached, it's not always realistic to expect that it will be custom-tailored to your preferences. That's just the real world, where one's ideals can't always match the logistical delivery.
Secondly, the man is an athlete at the highest levels of his profession - probably has been playing the sport through multitudes of coaches and systems for longer than most people have held a career in a single field - is it that difficult to adjust, when it's the activity that is not only one's bread and butter but has been since their childhood absorbing and exacting the principle skills required?
Maybe it's a lack of empathy on my part but I feel like I've mastered more complicated jobs, in more varied environments, in less time and in more pressing situations and then adapted and applied those skills and experience in other fairly unrelated career fields.
Athletes and people like Dubois are super-specialized people, it should be easier to adjust.