Shots For (missed, blocked or on net) - Shots Against (missed, blocked or on net)
We have below average centers and an average D core.
Not the recipe for a contender.....
DD, Pleky, Markov.... thank you for your service, please don't forget to get your steak knives on the way out.
Tomas Plekanec has 10 goals in his last 82 games
Pretty sure it's been Radulov doing everything, and not Pleks. Analytics + WATCHING THE GAME + not being an imbecile = best hockey analysis.
sample size, sample size, sample size.
Pretty sure it's been Radulov doing everything, and not Pleks. Analytics + WATCHING THE GAME + not being an imbecile = best hockey analysis.
Vincent Damphousse... What do you think of him? Could he be a worst coach than Therrien?
Plekanec as usual. Terrible. Fans on every shot, can't score ever on a break away. Scores a good percentage of his goals in empty nets. I never understood why people liked this player
I thought Shaw would at the very least agitate opponents a little. Not even that...
Shaw has been our worst player.
Vincent Damphousse... What do you think of him? Could he be a worst coach than Therrien?
He has been underwhelming for sure