“He needs to sell,” that owner said. “Some of us need to go to him and tell him that he needs to sell.”
If Snyder could not be persuaded to do so willingly, NFL rules would require a vote of at least 24 of the 32 owners to force him to sell.
“I think there will be a movement,” the same owner said. “We need to get 24 votes.”
it can be argued that snyder has made owners more money than just about any other current owner. He was the one who pushed out tagliiabue and brought in goodell. The nfl has exploded under goodell.They all need to realize that having Snyder completely gut and ruin a cashcow franchise has taken money out of their pockets.
Tua's tomorrow
Same manD Smith on my bench.
it can be argued that snyder has made owners more money than just about any other current owner. He was the one who pushed out tagliiabue and brought in goodell. The nfl has exploded under goodell.
I don't see how it can be, Tagliabue retired on his own terms at 65 after seeing through the major TV deal that really started pulling in the dough and set the framework for future deals. Goodell had a strong hand in arranging all that and in launching NFL Network, and that's why he was the heir. Not because a sniveling little shit no other owner respects (and who had no clout at that point) wanted him.
i remember reading about him , how he kind of is a self made man. Bought the skins, and came into the nfl with all these ideas and tags wouldnt listen so he started to go to each owner to present his ideas and slowly built momentum. It is a well known thing that Snyder came in and helped modernize the nfl of today.
Damn. Prayers up. Don’t know if they’ll ever recover.
I mean you never know when it comes to the guy that said the fact that he “owns a bunch of Rosa Parks memorabilia” means he’s not a racist.Why even tweet this
I mean you never know when it comes to the guy that said the fact that he “owns a bunch of Rosa Parks memorabilia” means he’s not a racist.
I missed that tweet and I was happy in my not knowing. Now that ignorant bliss is gone.