Confirmed with Link: Pettersson Signs 8 Year Deal with the Vancouver Canucks, AAV $11.6M

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Registered User
Jul 13, 2022
i think something about his hands is compromised and he can't shoot or dangle at 100% and it's at a state where it can't get worse but it won't get better until offseason injury.
So from that perspective, it's probably good enough for Toc and he expects him to be able to produce and figure it out even if his hands is operating at 60-70%.
Idk man.... I'd LIKE to believe that. I'm just not sure it feels right. I think it's completely mental.


Registered User
Jul 13, 2022
Actually no, it is VERY relevant.

Petey (and Hronek) have been playing subpar hockey for a very long time and neither player is enjoying their work right now.

I have to believe that that's not by choice because I don't think "anyone" chooses to underperform at work and be miserable.

Coach is gonna coach and say the stuff that needs to say.

Petey's gonna do his best to work through whatever he's going through because Petey and Brock and Quinn and JT are all BFFs.

Make no mistake. These guys have a super tight bond developed from having gone through the Benning era together and play hard for each other first.

Questioning Petey's work ethic and speculating mental/behavioral issues is a massive *facepalm*.
People are speculating on injury just as much as they are mental issues and confidence though. If he really is injured and has been then he should have said something earlier in the season, rather than let all this hang out there.

I don't buy it. We've seen this kind of Petey in a mental funk before and lots of people here openly admitted they thought it was because he was griping about Benning letting Markstrom, Tanev and Toffoli go. That's mental (pouting) and it seemed like a good enough excuse for people then.


Registered User
Jul 13, 2022
Those aren't my comments, so it sounds like you are the one who wants to vent by bringing those in and applying to me.

The moment Pettesson gets the puck, he stops skating and waits for contact. He doesn't pass it, he just coasts in a straight line until the opposing player contacts him. He either then falls down, loses the puck, or tosses it to another player.

He doesn't drive play. He doesn't move his feet when he has possession of the puck. He doesn't initiate puck battles. He doesn't maintain possession of the puck. He doesn't even shoot the puck anymore. He is a tiny shell of his former self.

I've commented awhile ago that I think its his back. He moves on the ice like someone with a bad back and if that is the case then fine. But NONE of us know so spending all your time on here defending an unknown is pointless.

We all hope for the best. Some of us want to feel morally superior for their stance though.
This! It's amazing how some here just insist that we don't believe the evidence of our eyes and ears. It seems like an eye for this sport and the vast knowledge on this site is appreciated until it's not convenient. People ARE watching Pettersson and commenting on what they're seeing. They're not just blowing a narrative out of their butts.


Registered User
Jul 13, 2022
In some sense you had the similar view with Lindholm earlier after we got him. Turns out he was also injured and became a different player after he recovered and you also never attribute the bad performance to injury when injury is actually a reason that athletes don’t perform well.
You said something how it’s remarkable how he turned it around once the playoff started when in reality his play turned around after he came back from time off.

Like I f***ed my wrist tendon up years jamming it by doing something stupid. I had full range of motion but had zero strength. Saw a bunch of specialist and they told me the only thing is to wait for it to heal. I imagine he could be having something similar. Is he functional, yeah. Is his strength at 100%? Probably not.
Yes he was injured, and as such he was taken out of the lineup to deal with it.
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Bleach Clean

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Aug 9, 2006
The fact that he was under-achieving relative to the play he showed in 2022-23 was an issue in the first half. This isn't rocket science. If Quinn Hughes comes off his Norris season next year and 'only' scores 65 points and finishes 12th in Norris voting in 24-25 ... there will be questions and criticisms if he delivers less than his best and doesn't hit the level that people know he's capable of. It doesn't mean that he wasn't still a very good, effective player.

Pettersson went from underachieving-but-still-effective in the first half to absolute shit in the last few months. And that's the play we're discussing here.

I like two-way players better than one-way players who score the same amount. This isn't a bias. It's because the two-way players are better. Mark Stone is a better player than Jake Guentzel and it's not close. aAlso I never preferred Vilardi over Pettersson because - as I've said a million times - I had no opinion on Pettersson. I preferred him over Glass.

Virtually everyone competes and it sticks out like a sore thumb when someone doesn't. When a guy like Boeser didn't compete? He was crap. Didn't score, was crap defensively. This year he's checked in and because he's moving his feet and trying to win puck battles he's a totally different player.

This year Boeser is an elite player. Very easy to say he's dialed in and that this is the reason he is not 'crap'. But even at his worst in 2021-22, he produced as a high end 2nd line player (105th in PPG pace). That's not crap either, even at rock bottom. Crap is Mikheyev: the complete lost cause.

You have a clear preference for that 2way player even when they don't score more than the 1way player. Guentzel scored more than Stone, both at peak and over his best 5 seasons. Will likely score more from here on out. But that doesn't matter because Stone is a better 2way player and is big. The difference in scoring isn't large enough to have you overturn your opinion and that's fine, but it's there.

For Hughes-Pettersson, I think its fine to judge them by their peak performance, or even relative to each players' regular season. This is just about the critique being on a hair trigger because you don't prefer a certain template of player. Like the skinny twig winger who's not big or competitive. Or the small, sheltered PPQB who isn't 6'4". You know, the players the computer nerds like to draft for whatever reason.

Anyway, I don't really care if you carry a bias in the end. I notice it, but I don't care that you change it. On to other things.
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May 19, 2011
Those aren't my comments, so it sounds like you are the one who wants to vent by bringing those in and applying to me.

The moment Pettesson gets the puck, he stops skating and waits for contact. He doesn't pass it, he just coasts in a straight line until the opposing player contacts him. He either then falls down, loses the puck, or tosses it to another player.

He doesn't drive play. He doesn't move his feet when he has possession of the puck. He doesn't initiate puck battles. He doesn't maintain possession of the puck. He doesn't even shoot the puck anymore. He is a tiny shell of his former self.

I've commented awhile ago that I think its his back. He moves on the ice like someone with a bad back and if that is the case then fine. But NONE of us know so spending all your time on here defending an unknown is pointless.

We all hope for the best. Some of us want to feel morally superior for their stance though.

Is this the most direct criticism Tocchet has ever said about Pete? I think it is but I cannot trust my own memory.

If so, I hope Pete understands the seriousness of the situation. I advocated for him to play with better line mates, but I also believe that he for sure bears his share of the blame. If he continues to fumble his game, the media storm will get real nasty, and certainly this will go beyond the series.


Registered User
Feb 7, 2011
I am in the "Petey is injured camp". I don't think it's his hands though. He doesn't have that much power in his stride when he takes them. He kind of keeps going when he's already travelling in a straight line and can't change directions quickly. He's weak on the puck again, which he wasn't during his hot streak. It's similar to Boeser except Boeser started the season like that and ended it like that. Also Boeser was doing this when the team was a turd, I don't think either he or Petey would basically be malingering in the playoffs. A core injury could do all that, including the decreased shot strength. Or a bad back as someone earlier suggested.

We're all speculating but Tocchet saying that EP is healthy and most of the reporters telling them that sources tell them EP is injured...I believe the reporters. Did we all forget the infamous "lower body injury" fad that went around the NHL? To me it's semantics where the doctors are like "oh he can't hurt it any more" or "he should be ok by now" so Tocchet takes their word for it. Also the insiders don't need to lie, what are they going to get a cut off of another contract for EP?

I personally think he should have shut his f***ing mouth because "we don't lie" is basically untrue given his past personal history. More importantly, if it inevitably comes out that Petey and a bunch of other guys were playing injured it makes him seem like a baby. Why couldn't he have just avoided the question?

Honestly Tocchet is shitting the bed in terms of coaching and this just adds to his mistakes this off-season. Like forget Petey, he has no ability to adjust lines and icetime to how guys are actually playing. In many ways this is not so dissimilar to the old WilleD 1-2-3-4, except with line composition. Like he couldn't even drop a forward deep to take pressure off of Hughes getting hammered by Nashville forechecking. This is basic shit. Like if we had shortened our bench after the last goal, we had an amazing chance to win the game. It's annoying to me that Tocchet is doing this whole "calling out thing" when it's obvious he doesn't currently have the self-awareness to see that his "steady eddie" approach is barely working and could fall apart completely.


Registered User
Jun 3, 2012
Boeser didn't compete for years either. The reason he's better now is the night-and-day change in his compete level.

Like, late in the 3rd period Pettersson actually moved his feet and competed with defenders for pucks and tried to get to them first ... and looked like a totally different player.

He's obviously capable of competing and he was absolutely fantastic in 22-23. This year his compete level all year has been poor and right now it's atrocious. And the result is that he's 1-6-7 at ES in his last 25 games.

What we're seeing now is identical to 2021 Pettersson when he literally checked out and didn't try for an entire year.

Except this isn't true at all... Your view of lack of compete specifically for Brock was lack of conditioning that lead to injuries...

Its well documented the better shape he came into the season this year, and its no wonder he has looked better.

So again knowing that, even with waht Toch said I still think there is an injury. The other Petey downswing we know came from like Brock not being in game shape after his wrist injury.

I do think it effects him mentally. I do think he needs to be better, but even when he has it has also been clear his linemates have been terrible.

There was a game I think game two that he was actually moving pretty well, and Hogs didn't hit him with two wide open passes with him flying, or hell Mik missed an open net on a play for a sure fire goal.

I don't mind having the debate of if he should be better, cause yeah he should. but he should have better linemates too... he would have more points then, and I don't think you would have as much outrage.

I also disagree with the oh he has had time with the lotto line... cause its been just a few shifts never an extended period of time, and he has actually produced a few times with Brock and Suter.


Very Nice, Very Evil!
Dec 13, 2006
yeah sandbagging means basically he's (maybe) injured but he's playing it up to be worse than it is and he could play through it
Thats not what I was implying.

The team has been super-duper extra crystal-clear that he's not injured. People are defaulting to this weak-sauce 'injury' out because they don't like going where you need to go to explain his play if he's not hurt.
Do you ALWAYS take their word or only when it supports your preconceived opinnion?


Registered User
Mar 2, 2016
I do wonder if this is why he didn’t want to negotiate in season and that whole process has messed with his head. We need him to be at his best.

I still think he's injured...but in terms of the mental aspects, didn't reports say he went to Tocchet for help on how to deal with the pressures of all the contract talk? The guy knew that it would affect him and stated that he didn't want to do it in season, but was pressured into signing anyways.


Registered User
May 19, 2012
You didn't miss much.

I am in the "Petey is injured camp". I don't think it's his hands though. He doesn't have that much power in his stride when he takes them.
I'm looking at Petey's game log. you guys can too

All-star game was feb 3

on Jan 27, Petey had a 3 point night one game before all star game.

After the all star game, he had 1 assist, the following game, a -4 vs boston followed up by another 3 point game vs Detroit.

2 games later in another rematch vs detroit he picks up 3 assists which was feb 15 I think the lotto line was still together by this point.

fast forward to march 19 was the last time he had a 3-point game, where he had 2 goals 1 assist, and since that game, he has struggled ever since. He's never had a multiple-point game every since, heck not even a 2 point game. 4 points in 10 playoff games. He's struggling. I think he's hurt and I think it's his hips. I really hope its not Fortnite or anything.


Positively #toxic
Jan 21, 2008
People are speculating on injury just as much as they are mental issues and confidence though. If he really is injured and has been then he should have said something earlier in the season, rather than let all this hang out there.

I don't buy it. We've seen this kind of Petey in a mental funk before and lots of people here openly admitted they thought it was because he was griping about Benning letting Markstrom, Tanev and Toffoli go. That's mental (pouting) and it seemed like a good enough excuse for people then.

That's not pouting. That's giving Francesco the fanboi, Jim the f***tard, Jon the snake and Greener the trash coach the ol middle finger for wrecking the chemistry of a playoff team that scared the shit out of Vegas in the 2020 post season.

Tanev was a good friend and a defensive stalwart for our current CAPTAIN just like he is for Dallas right now and these assholes just let him walk because they ran outta time.

Are you f***ing kidding me? Do you even remember how f***ing bad it was back then?

Petey going on strike led directly to Jimbo getting shitcanned.

Pouting... omg man. Ridiculous.


Positively #toxic
Jan 21, 2008
I'm looking at Petey's game log. you guys can too

All-star game was feb 3

on Jan 27, Petey had a 3 point night one game before all star game.

After the all star game, he had 1 assist, the following game, a -4 vs boston followed up by another 3 point game vs Detroit.

2 games later in another rematch vs detroit he picks up 3 assists which was feb 15 I think the lotto line was still together by this point.

fast forward to march 19 was the last time he had a 3-point game, where he had 2 goals 1 assist, and since that game, he has struggled ever since. He's never had a multiple-point game every since, heck not even a 2 point game. 4 points in 10 playoff games. He's struggling. I think he's hurt and I think it's his hips. I really hope its not Fortnite or anything.
The numbers don't lie.

This tribalism on this is actually kinda outta control.

Canadian markets is psycho.
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Registered User
Jun 5, 2011
If he feels a lot of pressure to get points he might eventually end up playing something like that useless Ovechkin guy, who basically just stands around waiting for a pass so he can add to his total to prevent that from happening, instead of cheering for him if he gets a goal, the crowd should cheer for him whenever he wins a puck battle or body checks a player and if that never happens, start by cheering for the smaller things he maybe if he gets to the puck faster than the other guy, or if he can't do that, maybe if he skates for awhile without falling down...sometimes you have to start small and work your way up
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Registered User
Aug 12, 2005
I'm looking at Petey's game log. you guys can too

All-star game was feb 3

on Jan 27, Petey had a 3 point night one game before all star game.

After the all star game, he had 1 assist, the following game, a -4 vs boston followed up by another 3 point game vs Detroit.

2 games later in another rematch vs detroit he picks up 3 assists which was feb 15 I think the lotto line was still together by this point.

fast forward to march 19 was the last time he had a 3-point game, where he had 2 goals 1 assist, and since that game, he has struggled ever since. He's never had a multiple-point game every since, heck not even a 2 point game. 4 points in 10 playoff games. He's struggling. I think he's hurt and I think it's his hips. I really hope its not Fortnite or anything.

But that’s the thing. If he’s injured, why aren’t we resting him? He regularly played over 20 minutes after March 20th. Especially once the extension was signed, the only thing worth playing for was playoff seeding. It’s not like Petey was contending for a scoring title.
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21-12-05 it's finally over.
Dec 22, 2006
But that’s the thing. If he’s injured, why aren’t we resting him? He regularly played over 20 minutes after March 20th. Especially once the extension was signed, the only thing worth playing for was playoff seeding. It’s not like Petey was contending for a scoring title.

Maybe getting to 100 points again was something he really wanted to do.


We Stylin'
Sep 3, 2009
Maybe I am reading too much in to this but I just watched the interview and I noticed he wasn't wearing any Canucks gear,( Nike hat and hoodie). I know it is a bit nit-picky but, especially in the Playoffs, you usually see the players "repping" their team when speaking with the media. It's like he is on an island.
I went back through interviews - a lot of players don't for us.


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Registered User
Feb 16, 2006
Los Angeles
But that’s the thing. If he’s injured, why aren’t we resting him? He regularly played over 20 minutes after March 20th. Especially once the extension was signed, the only thing worth playing for was playoff seeding. It’s not like Petey was contending for a scoring title.
there are injuries where it can’t get worse from playing but getting surgery means the season is over.


Registered User
Feb 16, 2006
Los Angeles
I am in the "Petey is injured camp". I don't think it's his hands though. He doesn't have that much power in his stride when he takes them. He kind of keeps going when he's already travelling in a straight line and can't change directions quickly. He's weak on the puck again, which he wasn't during his hot streak. It's similar to Boeser except Boeser started the season like that and ended it like that. Also Boeser was doing this when the team was a turd, I don't think either he or Petey would basically be malingering in the playoffs. A core injury could do all that, including the decreased shot strength. Or a bad back as someone earlier suggested.

We're all speculating but Tocchet saying that EP is healthy and most of the reporters telling them that sources tell them EP is injured...I believe the reporters. Did we all forget the infamous "lower body injury" fad that went around the NHL? To me it's semantics where the doctors are like "oh he can't hurt it any more" or "he should be ok by now" so Tocchet takes their word for it. Also the insiders don't need to lie, what are they going to get a cut off of another contract for EP?

I personally think he should have shut his f***ing mouth because "we don't lie" is basically untrue given his past personal history. More importantly, if it inevitably comes out that Petey and a bunch of other guys were playing injured it makes him seem like a baby. Why couldn't he have just avoided the question?

Honestly Tocchet is shitting the bed in terms of coaching and this just adds to his mistakes this off-season. Like forget Petey, he has no ability to adjust lines and icetime to how guys are actually playing. In many ways this is not so dissimilar to the old WilleD 1-2-3-4, except with line composition. Like he couldn't even drop a forward deep to take pressure off of Hughes getting hammered by Nashville forechecking. This is basic shit. Like if we had shortened our bench after the last goal, we had an amazing chance to win the game. It's annoying to me that Tocchet is doing this whole "calling out thing" when it's obvious he doesn't currently have the self-awareness to see that his "steady eddie" approach is barely working and could fall apart completely.
Can’t weight train if the wrist is f***ed. Also a reason why Brock’s conditioning was off from a wrist injury.
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