It's true, you can't measure that impact vs draft picks. I guess my push back would be to what extent we saw the veterans or the coaching staff actually develop that future core.
I think I'm the last Caden Taylor believer (he'll still be great) but I'll concede he didn't take the steps I hoped this year. Nico Addy certainly didn't. I had/have very high hopes for Carson Cameron, a lot of us thought he'd be a borderline first round NHL pick out of this year. That's not going to happen. Aiden Young is probably on the clearest path as a guy who should be impactful down the line.
Strohack, Ladds, McCallum.. guys returning from last season... Major steps there?
I did a poll at the start of the year asking for points leaders, draft positions etc... everyone is going to be way below our expectations.
The young/new guys bring a lot of hope. Fitzgerald, Ula, Gowan, Levac.. I see a lot of upside there but is it just because it's year one and a year from now I'll be asking the same questions of them if the 07s?
I don't know, did we see super major development this season? I hope so.
I saw development this season with players listed below. I did not list players who I think could have developed more like Addy, Taylor and Young - who all had flashes of brilliance but if they did have observable development it was on the defensive side of the game as per the coaches' priority)
2008s: Fitzgerald (skilled and big, gets points)
Ula (fast, creative, physical, not bad for a 5th round pick)
Gowan (over the season played with more confidence, good skater)
2007s: Cameron (reliable, wins puck battles and has had to carry a huge load at a young age) Honestly I don't care where he is on the NHL draft rankings)
Parish (what he lacks in size he makes up for in peskiness and creativity, goes to dirty areas)
2006s: Rye (for me the biggest surprise in terms of his development, should be #1 next year)
Strohack (kinda has evolved into a leader on the ice, standing up for players) A defenseman you don't want to play against.
McCallum (good on faceoffs, tough to play against. He's been better with not taking senseless penalties)
2005s: Matejicek (won't be back next year but has progressed into a very good defenseman)
Faulkner (one of the most underrated players on the team - makes a difference on every shift.
Page ( has gotten better every year but not exponentially)
As for the OHL Priority Draft, we'll pick in top four so are there certain 2009 players we should prioritize?