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DJ Spinoza

Registered User
Aug 7, 2003
After watching it again, it seems 100% clear that Perezhogin knew what he was going to do. He seemed to pause a split second before driving his stick into Stafford's face.

I don't give a flying crap what else went on in the game. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR WHAT PEREZHOGIN DID! NONE!

Challenge the guy to a fight, check him into the boards. Don't swing your stick at his face. Anyone who defends him is a joke.


Vlad The Impaler said:
I completely understand where Bertuzzi came from when he went after that little punk Moore and this is the same thing here.

Both actions have unfortunate consequences but this is a direct result of the blindsiders some people are wearing as to the REAL problems hockey is facing, which are definitly not those type of incidents.

The main difference with the Bertuzzi hit is that there is less premeditation but the use of a stick makes upo for it. That's a weapon when used in this fashion and can have devastating consequences.

The problem in hockey is that most fans and hockey players are totally lacking perspective, as shown abundantly over and over again including on this thread. People basically accept that all sorts of crap can happen, until some guy blows a fuse and raises the odds significantly as a result.

Where are you people from, exactly? Where I come from, you don't take crap and turn the other cheek. Everybody and their mother knows that crap like that little punk Stafford tried to pull, swinging sticks carelessly, happens all the time. And if Perezhogin hadn't retaliated we wouldn't hear a thing about this.

He retaliated and Christ, he was right to do so. I would have done the exact same thing. He didn't swing at Stafford's face, anyone with a brain can clearly see that on the replays. But yeah, he wanted to hurt him: WHICH IS WHAT ANYONE WHO IS TIRED OF TAKING CRAP THAT GOES UNPENALIZED IN THIS GAME is doing more and more.

You want to punish Perzhogin for his actions? I think that's fine. It's reprehensible. You think that sort of stuff will go away with a heavy suspension? It won't.

The way to clean the game of hockey is to have those prime dirty, worthless offenders like Stafford, Moore, Marchment etc. pay for their borderline legal but absolutely dirty plays. Because as long as players will be allowed to abuse their opponents and mess with their lives (Moore could have easily maimed Naslund for life and Stafford's attempt was actually WORSE than Perezhogin) I garantee you you will see more and more bonehead plays like the ones by Bertuzzi and Perezhogin.

This league needs to stop obsessing with retaliation and start doing the right things. This isn't isolated to plays leading to injuries. The whole refereeing system is based on retaliation. You punch a guy on the face in front of the referee, no call. The guy punches back: referee sends both guys to the box, or worse, sends only the second guy. What kind of pathetic thinking is that?

Many of the worse incidents in these leagues take place because players are fed up with apathic and downright blind officiating. If you do not have a feeling that the league is backing you up, that the referees protect the players, you've got to stand up for yourself and for your teammates.

Tough luck for Stafford. Next time he takes a blatant, ugly swing at someone's head, he should make sure he doesn't miss.

He had it coming. And if his swing had connected, there would be a major uproar right now and people whining for him to be suspended for life. He is a punk. The league protects them. Good for Perez. He stood for himself. Nobody else will protect you in today's hockey. Shouldn't have hit the face but that's an accident.

Perezhogin is the new Sally Field! :amazed:


DJ Spinoza

Registered User
Aug 7, 2003
Ottawa Buoy said:
Geez, look at that second picture. Does it look like he's aiming for the guy's knees? From the look of this it seems he wants to rip the guy's head off.

Bingo. That picture makes this even worse. You can clearly see where Perezhogin is looking and that he has his stick cocked too.

Just because this is a game doesn't mean that these players don't have to abide by the law, either. Perezhogin should go to jail for this.

"He had it coming"

^ Vlad and anyone who agree with that, I hope your not serious. No one "has it coming" and Perezhogin didn't stand up for himself, either. It was a cowardly cheap shot, just like what Bertuzzi did, and anyone who has the audacity to defend this crap is a joke. Take a step back and look at what your defending.

Vlad The Impaler

Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
Let somone turn around and wip there stick as hard as they can right in your face....Have a gash the size of the grand canyon on your head ....

then tell me....Oh I had it coming.

If I took a swing first and attempted worse? Damn right I had it coming! What would you do if Stafford attempted to decapitate you out of nowhere? Offer him a flower bouquet and kiss him on the cheek?

Are you telling me you'd expect people to play nice with you if you swung at them? Gimme a break. Stafford is guilty of being a punk and luckily not being able to finish the dirty business he started.

The key is to have some respect for your fellow players. Clean the game of the unwanted elements. And eliminate the dirty incidents that lead to the escalation.

This doesn't excuse Perezhogin. It is my hope that more people are going to wake up and realize how these incidents start in the first place. As long as wehave armies of dimbulbs pushing some "oohhs" and "aaahhs" we're not going to solve those problems. We need to eradicate them at the source.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2004
Just saw it numerous times.....Sorry but I do not even believe he (Perez.) was not aiming for the upper-body/head of Stafford...His head (Perez.) was turned FACING the downed Stafford before he initiates his blow...and yeah I saw Stafford try to connect with Perez.'s upper body/head while BOTH were down . He (Stafford) should also face something for trying that, but we know it will not happen...just for arguments sake with some other posts, that blow was way less powerfull due to both players stance, but still would have been illegal and done some damage...
Prediction= Perez. will play in the NHL.....(by the way, IF he gets suspended and IF it is applicable to his future NHL career, what happens to the suspension IF there's no NHL hockey next year...)

DJ Spinoza

Registered User
Aug 7, 2003
Vlad The Impaler said:
Oh yes he had. Clearly evidenced on this video.

You probably mean... just like STAFFORD. You know?

3 seconds earlier? Or does that not register?

What Stafford did was horrible as well, but it doesn't mean "he had it coming." I don't buy into that crap at all.

That doesn't have any effect on what Perezhogin did. You can't do that, and no one deserves to have their face bashed in with a hockey stick. By the logic you are using, you and I should get together and go find Perezhogin and bash his face in with a stick, because he has it coming, right?

Sorry, I don't buy into that tripe. I don't believe in an eye for an eye.

For the record, I agree with what you are saying about cleaning the game up in general. But to say someone has something like this coming to them is appauling to me. There is completely no excuse for what this guy did or what anyone else did. Plain and simple, cut and dry, black and white.


Go Foreurs Go!
Apr 27, 2004
Amos, QC
SabresIn05 said:
This is false. Stafford's intent was far less than Perezhogin's

I read some of your post :shakehead :shakehead , and dude, im new here, but let me tell you something, shut up. You talk like you would be right in Stafford's head... you only saw the replay and read some articles. But damn, stop talking like you just interviewed both of them... Wait before each of them talk in front of the press before talking about what they wanted to do...

Im sure of something Perezhogin's goal wasnt to injure Stafford. Like Bertuzzi's goal wasnt to injure Moore. They just both didnt think before hitting...

It's just sad because Alex was a great prospect... I hope he is still one...


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Apr 9, 2002
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MrKnowNothing said:
After watching it again, it seems 100% clear that Perezhogin knew what he was going to do. He seemed to pause a split second before driving his stick into Stafford's face.

I don't give a flying crap what else went on in the game. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR WHAT PEREZHOGIN DID! NONE!

Challenge the guy to a fight, check him into the boards. Don't swing your stick at his face. Anyone who defends him is a joke.

if you watch the video again, you'll see he swung before Stafford turned around. Took me a few viewings, but that's what I saw. It still was for the head, but hitting the helmet is different than hitting the face. He definitely did not pause, look at Stafford's face, then swing.

DJ Spinoza

Registered User
Aug 7, 2003
sonnytheman said:
if you watch the video again, you'll see he swung before Stafford turned around. Took me a few viewings, but that's what I saw. It still was for the head, but hitting the helmet is different than hitting the face. He definitely did not pause, look at Stafford's face, then swing.

Look at the second picture in the post a little ways back.


Go Foreurs Go!
Apr 27, 2004
Amos, QC
Hits are going too far... because some people aren't doing their job

:cough: Refs :cough:...

Penalties are so rare... Players keep doing cheap shot and aren't penalized, so every players reply to each other, and it ends with hits like that...

DJ Spinoza

Registered User
Aug 7, 2003
Catcher.In.The.RyE said:
Hits are going too far... because some people aren't doing their job

:cough: Refs :cough:...

Penalties are so rare... Players keep doing cheap shot and aren't penalized, so every players reply to each other, and it ends with hits like that...

Maybe so, but that has no bearing on nor is no excuse for making the decision to smash your stick into another person's face.


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Apr 9, 2002
Ithaca, Mtl
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MrKnowNothing said:
Look at the second picture in the post a little ways back.

I did, and Stafford's back is to Perezhougin. I said Perezhougin was going up, even for the head, I'm just saying it wasn't the face.

Watch this and tell me then that Stafford didn't turn once he had already swung.

Anyways, for what its worth, Perezhougin definitely deserves being suspended for playoffs + 15-20 next year.


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Apr 28, 2003
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OK I just clearly saw it:

Both fell down(I think), Stafford tried to swing at Perezhogins head, Perezhogin got up and just blindly hit with his stick and got Staffords head. Stafford unfortunetly injured.

IMO, both are idiots. To say Stafford didnt see it coming is completly ridiculous, if someone tries to hit me in a bar with a beer bottle, I'll definetly take my pool stick and hit him with it. Perezhogin should get what Bertuzzi gets.


Go Foreurs Go!
Apr 27, 2004
Amos, QC
MrKnowNothing said:
Maybe so, but that has no bearing on nor is no excuse for making the decision to smash your stick into another person's face.

Yeah i totally agree but here is my point of view...

Did you see the Habs vs Bruins fifth game? In OT the play that cost the game for the habs, when Knuble, or whoever it was, hit Kovalev with his stick (his weapon), He it him with strength and aim for the wrist... After the referees said it was legal, i couldn't believe it, It show that hockey as a serious problem. The have to penalise these kind of thing or things will get even worst...

Vlad The Impaler

Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
MrKnowNothing said:
What Stafford did was horrible as well, but it doesn't mean "he had it coming." I don't buy into that crap at all.

That doesn't have any effect on what Perezhogin did. You can't do that, and no one deserves to have their face bashed in with a hockey stick. By the logic you are using, you and I should get together and go find Perezhogin and bash his face in with a stick, because he has it coming, right?

Sorry, I don't buy into that tripe. I don't believe in an eye for an eye.

For the record, I agree with what you are saying about cleaning the game up in general. But to say someone has something like this coming to them is appauling to me. There is completely no excuse for what this guy did or what anyone else did. Plain and simple, cut and dry, black and white.

I am glad that you are agreeing with me on that last part. because this was the bulk of my message. It doesn't really matter what people think of my views. Perhaps you are a better human being than I am as far as "eye for an eye" is concerned. I can be very nasty, and I can hold grudges for a long time.

I think we can all agree that the best course of action is to make sure there is no reason for violence to escalate in hockey. I don't want hockey to turn into a wussy sport but at the same time, I want it to be cleaned of undesirable reflexes. Guys are now poking opponets in the face with their sticks on a regular basis.

I'm usually more surprised when there is a game without stickwork than a game with stickwork. It's an epidemic. The legal hits to the head... they've got to find ways to prevent that. It's just not right. Basically, just make hockey the beautiful game it can be. Hard clean checks to the upper body. It can be a contact sport without becoming an overly dangerous sport. Nobody wants to see guys in wheel chairs or otherwise incapacitated for the rest of their lives.

The way it is right now, I am positive that we will see more and more incidents like these. Most of the players are nice guys. They really are. But you put anyone in that environment... you can't be sure how they'll react. The competitive juice flows and all of a sudden it takes over.

There is no respect anymore in the NHL, and it's time for a overhaul of the philosophy of the sport. Referees and the league are not helping either.


Registered User
Nov 11, 2003
Vlad He had it coming. QUOTE said:
This is the single must disgusting and insane thing I have ever seen written here. Shameful and astonishing.

The rest of your point is lost in this one totally stupid statement.

This one goes beyond your usual vlad. I am sorry i took the time to even read your post.


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Feb 21, 2003
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Vlad The Impaler said:
Oh yes he had. Clearly evidenced on this video.

You probably mean... just like STAFFORD. You know?

3 seconds earlier? Or does that not register?

Vlad - cut from this post since your long one has shown up enough.

To say you are just dead ass wrong this time doesn't begin to cover it. :shakehead

"An eye for an eye" may have worked in the Bible 2000 years ago plus, and it makes for great movies, but in the REAL WORLD all that happens is that the punks who think they can take it on themselves to pay back go to jail. End of discussion in the REAL WORLD.

Until the NHL become the "Running Man" TV violence show (remember the hockey guy in that?), the job of the grownups is to control the natural tendencies to violence. If the refs and the leagues won't do it, the politicians and police will - whether you like it or not.

Perezhogin will be charged in this case. Whether he gets convicted is another question although the video seems clear enough to me. The penalty will be reduced because he was swung at first.

As to what hockey should do - both players should be gone for a very long time, Perezhogin for far longer because he KNEW as he swung that he was swinging at a guy on his knees (which is why he aimed where he did to hit the head). As far as I am concerned, the best thing that the game of hockey can do is start turfing these guys for life. It would be absolutely amazing to see how quickly players would learn to control themselves, their tempers and their sticks if they thought their whole career and the millions of dollars was on the line.

As to your comments on Moore - this one has been done to death, but maybe tell me again how one legal hit rates being included in "prime dirty, worthless offenders like Stafford, Moore, Marchment"?? I know he should have pulled up, and I know that nobody is supposed to make open ice shoulder checks on supposed "stars" if they aren't braced and ready for it (or apparently at all) - but "dirty worthless offenders"?? Just what did Moore do during his NCAA time or his part of one season to rate that?

Sorry bud - stick to rating prospects.


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Nov 6, 2003
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The very same Canadiens fans, who chastised Canucks fans for even daring to speak a word in Bertuzzi's defence, now attempt to defend this utterly gutless attack. Ah, hypocrisy at its finest.
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Feb 21, 2003
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Vlad The Impaler said:
I am glad that you are agreeing with me on that last part. because this was the bulk of my message. It doesn't really matter what people think of my views. Perhaps you are a better human being than I am as far as "eye for an eye" is concerned. I can be very nasty, and I can hold grudges for a long time.

I think we can all agree that the best course of action is to make sure there is no reason for violence to escalate in hockey. I don't want hockey to turn into a wussy sport but at the same time, I want it to be cleaned of undesirable reflexes. Guys are now poking opponets in the face with their sticks on a regular basis.

I'm usually more surprised when there is a game without stickwork than a game with stickwork. It's an epidemic. The legal hits to the head... they've got to find ways to prevent that. It's just not right. Basically, just make hockey the beautiful game it can be. Hard clean checks to the upper body. It can be a contact sport without becoming an overly dangerous sport. Nobody wants to see guys in wheel chairs or otherwise incapacitated for the rest of their lives.

The way it is right now, I am positive that we will see more and more incidents like these. Most of the players are nice guys. They really are. But you put anyone in that environment... you can't be sure how they'll react. The competitive juice flows and all of a sudden it takes over.

There is no respect anymore in the NHL, and it's time for a overhaul of the philosophy of the sport. Referees and the league are not helping either.

The last paragraph you finally get it right. And turning hockey into war with your lame "eye for an eye" crap isn't going to fix it.

Radical steps are needed - or like I said before, the politicians and police will take over. Anyone who thinks that this is going to be tolerated just plain is not paying attention.


Oct 26, 2002
South Cackalacky
Just a point: everyone keeps mentioning the NHL. While I agree in general that the NHL needs to clean its act up, this incident did not occur in the NHL, and so it has basically nothing to do with them. If a player in the CHL or Europe hits his opponent with his stick, is that supposed to be some sort of wake up call to the NHL as well? Each of these leagues needs to deal with their own problems, but they also don't need to problems of the other leagues imposed upon them when they are a neutral party to the situation.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2004
the league and officials are to blame, incidents like this happen because officials let the games get out of hand...Stafford AND Perezhogin are the victims of a system that doesnt believe in enforcing rules until AFTER the fact


Registered User
Jul 10, 2003
TSN just had an extended video of the incident, and I can see why Perezhogin exploded.

He was behind the net with the puck, and gets crosschecked into the boards with no call. He starts coming around the net and Stafford two hand slashes him across the leg, and again no call. He sets up in front of the net and Stafford cross checks him across the face knocking him to the ground. Perezhogin takes down Stafford with his legs and Stafford takes a swing at Perezhogin that hits him acorss the top of his helmet. Perezhogin turns around and we all know what happened. Perezhogin stops playing after seeing where the slash landed and three Baron players jump him. They beat him unconcious and only one of them receives a 2 minute roughing penalty.

Doesn't excuse his action, but the ref should have done something in everything leading up to the play, he should have called a penalty on just about every move Stafford made on Perezhogin.


Registered User
Nov 11, 2003
This line of thought to a point has some merit, but it is daft to say that each individual isn't responsible for their own actions.

It is an affront to every player who DOESN'T take homerun swings at other players heads to try and excuse the action as an ends being justified by the means.

No way is their ever going to be ANY acceptable excuse to those who are rational for one person trying to ruin another in this or ANY sport in this manner.

Is the league messed up and is its officiating a big part of the reason why? Sure. Does that make it anywhere near alright that this jackhole tried to seperate another players head from his body? Is it right that Stafford tried the same?

Of course not.
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