Post-Game Talk: Pens waddle back to their plane, tails between their legs. JETS WIN 4-2!!!

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Mar 31, 2012
Fun with small sample sizes:

Using only current SOG and what these players career SH% are I estimated how many goals they should have currently (eGcur) and extrapolated what their current pace would put them for with full 48 GP (eGext). (Buff I only used his D years for sh% and Postma's is pretty high for a D because they are AHL sh%)

NAME | SOG | SH% | G | eGcur | eGext
Byfuglien | 18| 11%| 2| 1.0| 16.7
Kane | 16| 13%| 2| 1.6| 24.8
Ladd | 10| 20%| 2| 1.1| 17.8
Little | 09| 00%| 0| 1.1| 17.9
Stuart | 08| 00%| 0| 0.5| 07.4
Jokinen | 07| 00%| 0| 0.7| 11.0
Postma | 07| 00%| 0| 0.6| 09.5
Hainsey | 06| 00%| 0| 0.3| 04.0
Slater | 06| 17%| 1| 0.5| 08.7
Enstrom | 05| 00%| 0| 0.3| 05.0
Wheeler | 05| 40%| 2| 0.5| 08.6
Clitsome | 05| 00%| 0| 0.3| 04.9
Burmsitrov | 05| 00%| 0| 0.4| 07.0
Wellwood | 04| 00%| 0| 0.6| 13.5
Antropov | 03| 00%| 0| 0.4| 06.8
Ponikarovsky| 03| 00%| 0| 0.3| 05.1
Thorburn | 03| 33%| 1| 0.2| 03.6
Wright | 01| 00%| 0| 0.1| 01.8
*small sample sizes so don't get use to this staying the same
*few players more than doubled their SOG today (Slater, Wheeler, Ponikarovsky)
*Little has been doing the one thing he needs to do to get his first real (as in legitimately earned not through crazy sh%) 30G season (in 82GP season)... shoot more... every season he shoots between 150-170, even in his 30G season... maybe this move to RW with Noel's system will work out well
*Jokinen, Postma and Wellwood should be getting goals real soon
*Wheeler's shot totals scared me but he made good steps with 3 today


Why would anyone want to listen to turned up fan noise on TV.
I'd rather hear what is happening on the ice than cheers and chants. It's not like they aren't turned down so low you can't hear them.

It's like people complaining they don't broadcast four minutes of national anthems so we can hear "True North" shouted once. Personally I don't want to here the anthems during a broadcast.

Believe it or not, not everyone likes the same things... go figure.
You don't hear more things on the ice when the crowd is toned down, so not exactly sure what you're talking about.


Registered User
Mar 17, 2012
I was at the game tonight, the first one of the season for me. It was glorious! The fan noise, was kind of all over the place today. Obviously the first period got pretty quiet after Crosby's goals but once we scored that first goal in the 2nd the crowd came alive. The final 3 minutes of the game was astounding! It was fantastic!

As for the new sound system. I am no sound engineer but I think they have those speakers set up to close together. They are all hung around the scoreboard, in the center of the arena. So while I could see how the sound can be a little crazy if you were sitting near center ice, it's gets quieter when you get closer to the corners of the rink because the distance to the speakers is greater. They should probably spread the speakers out a little more to improve the coverage they get out of what they have.

To be honest though, I really could care less. I am more interested in what's happening on the ice and the fan noise when i am at the game anyway. What a game!


Sep 6, 2011
Wish they wouldn't. Really enjoyed it last year.
One or two old people probably complained so they toned it down.

Believe it or not, not everyone likes the same things... go figure.
You don't hear more things on the ice when the crowd is toned down, so not exactly sure what you're talking about.

They will usually turn the ice level mics higher

Jesus Christ Horburn

Registered User
Aug 22, 2008
I just caught the highlights and Kane looked like a man possessed.

How did Jokinen look tonight? Sounds like that line was buzzing, but Jokinen is still pointless.


Beaver Jedi
Sep 26, 2011
Heidelberg, GER
Nice I'm on a two 4-2 win prediction-streak :D

Great game.

Playes I liked the most: Kane, Wheeler, Little, Antropov, Buff, Toby, Pavs, Postma


Trade you!
Dec 10, 2011
I just caught the highlights and Kane looked like a man possessed.

How did Jokinen look tonight? Sounds like that line was buzzing, but Jokinen is still pointless.

#12 can't skate, or somethings wrong, slow slow slow, other then that he didn't cause any problems.


Rergisterd Uhrser
Jan 17, 2013
Might be the only game I get out to this year, I don't know how you STHs aren't deaf. INSANE volume solidly for the last four minutes. INSANE. Gotta love it. I can't even imagine what playoffs will sound like, a jet engine would be quieter.

This game was a beauty.
One thing I noticed, especially on highlights after the game is how Kane points out the effort of Buff and Wheeler on his goal. For all the talk about Kane being selfish and one-dimensional, I really think he's growing as a player and teammate. Check out how he points at buff and wheeler after scoring (he's no Nail Yakupov). He's actually acknowledging his teammates efforts! And yes, his haircut is hilarious...
Love the direction this team is heading. Me thinks Noel has the boys bought in to the system.

I honestly think that this isn't an entirely new Kane. I remember Kane's goal against Minnesota last season off a beautiful play from Wheeler, Kane immediately pointed to Wheeler and post game didn't want to take much credit for it and said it was all Wheels.

Also Kane and Wheeler have assisted on all of each other's goals so far. Loved them together last year, so happy they're ripping it up together again :yo:


HFBoards Sponsor
Oct 20, 2010
Might be the only game I get out to this year, I don't know how you STHs aren't deaf. INSANE volume solidly for the last four minutes. INSANE. Gotta love it. I can't even imagine what playoffs will sound like, a jet engine would be quieter.

We block the noise of all those other people by shouting really loud. :D


The Ballad of Ville Bobby
Mar 10, 2010
Big ups to Claude Broel on making necessary on the fly changes to keep the Jets in this game and eventually take it. Like TSN said, Dusty Buffs was the man tonight. I hereby award him tonight's title of "Dikembe MutomBro"

Antropov- Quietly played another solid game. His skillset on the penalty kill is one to be admired, he doesn't make a lot of noise with his plays (maybe why he gets ragged on so much) but Antro is an extremely valuable piece to this team. Already stated how well he's doing on the PK with Burmi, but even little things like sitting in front of Vokoun tonight which provided the screen for Byfuglien's 2nd period goal. Try focusing on him for a few periods and you'll get a real appreciation for what he brings to this team.
Burmistrov- Usual Burmi tonight. Taking the body on the opposition and killing penalties like a G. I honestly think he is or can be one of the best PKers in the NHL. Not only is he good in the defensive zone, but he's also able to get some solid puck possession draining even more time off penalties. We don't get to see it very often, but he actually has a very strong wrist shot and I would like to see him use it a little more.
Byfuglien- There's not much I need to say that Ray Ferraro didn't already. Buff was very "economical" tonight, I imagine that means he was money. Just his usual self, calm in the defensive zone and able to get it out without much trouble. Then right at home on the offensive end doing his thing. He really is quite a rare breed. As my boy RomanG was quoted saying "Oh you lovely fatass!"
Clitsome- I think this may have been Clitsome's last game. He was directly responsible for majority of the defensive zone turnovers in the 1st and we all saw what happened with those turnovers. Unfortunately I think instead of evolving to Clitmore he's actually doing the rare "devolve" back to Clitnone.
Enstrom Byfuglien's rock. Buff got all the praise tonight from TSN but imo without Toby much of that goes away. He's the one who gives Buff the freedom to play the way he does. I think more of the naysayers are finally seeing just how important he is to the Jets and Buff's success. Personally I would like to see him take more shots, but you can't argue with the results he's had thus far.
Hainsey- Did his job and with all things considered did it well. His pairing was matched with Crosby's line all night (Although he wasn't on the ice for either of Crosby's goals). He blocked shots, was a rock on the PK, had some offensive opportunities and played an all around calm and collected game against the Pens best line.
Jokinen- I honestly didn't notice Olli too much tonight. He seemed to have a few offensive chances but other than that wasn't very noticeable. The line of KJW is getting much more success than LLW does so I'm perfectly fine with him starting slow given how well his wingers have been performing.
Kane- He made a few questionable plays early on but got better as the night continued. He was spoonfed a beautiful goal by Buff and Wheeler and didn't miss the opportunity. All in all another good game for Evander as he continues to open up his game, even had to take a few faceoffs as Olli got tossed a few times and managed to win them. Kid has a solid skillset and he's putting more and more of it together as time goes on.
Ladd- He does a lot of things on the ice that make me cringe, but he's also very good at being in the right place at the right time. He's not in full Ladd form yet (and I don't mean the nightly 3rd period penalty), but as long as he can be that Johnny on the spot guy scoring goals I'm ok with his game leaving more to be desired.
Little- He gift wrapped Ladd's goal tonight and was in the play on most of his shifts. I think I'm actually preferring Bryan playing the wing as he seems to be more comfortable there as a playmaker. His game is rounding out nicely as a solid 2way forward and only appears to be getting better.
Ponikarovsky- His offensive touch isn't the greatest, to be fair he did have about 2 or 3 legitimate chances on net and Vokoun came up big. But like others have said, the good thing about Poni is his size and ability to play the dump and chase. Almost every time he was on the ice and the puck was dumped he was the first guy to it creating the sustained pressure in the offensive zone. A guy like him just makes the team bigger and tougher to play against which seems to be paying dividends in the Jets wins this year.
Postma- I actually think he's gotten better each game. He's got a smart offensive touch, almost Toby-like as he is very often finding the seams and getting it to the net. I have no doubt he'll get his first goal soon with how he's playing and I also think his confidence is rising in the defensive zone as he is appearing more and more comfortable each day. I look forward to him and Stuart on the 3rd line when Bogo returns.
Slater- Slater was Slater tonight. Nothing too huge or noticeable, just brought lots of energy and was good on the PK.
Stuart- He wasn't bad, again he and Hainsey were paired against the Crosby line which is more than Stu is able to handle. I thought he was a little too lax on Crosby's backhander as he was allowed to just walk right in and take his time. Not the greatest night for Stu, but again he is playing minutes and situations that are above his level.
Thorburn- I like his energy on the forecheck, he created a few turnovers in the offensive zone and had 1 or 2 opportunities for his line in the 1st period. The subsequent periods were about the same, he was good on the PK as they continue to boast solid numbers being a man down. So for now I'm happy.
Wellwood- Honestly saw not much of anything from him tonight. He looked slow and wasn't into the game very much, not sure what he brought to the table that Scheifele couldn't but it was only 1 game and we know he's better than what was shown tonight.
Wheeler- Finding his game more and more with every shift. He and Buff worked some magic to give Kane his goal tonight. He still has weird issues with his balance, he's got some serious Wheels but has trouble staying on his feet. Regardless, I'll take 1g 1a from Blake any night.
Wright- Quiet tonight. Was much more noticeable in the Capitals game but that could be attributed to only playing 7 minutes. I'll reserve any real judgement on him as it's only been his 2nd game.

Pavelec- The 1st GA was a little strange, not sure if it hit Olli's stick or not but that short side should've been covered a little tighter imo. After that however he was completely dialed in. I think we know what to expect from Pavs by now, he's very capable of giving up a softy or 2 but he's also capable of making game saving stops and tonight we saw that. The 2nd period alone could've thrown the game wide open for Pittsburgh and Pavs was able to keep it close so the Jets could add the 3 goals. Shaky 1st, solid the rest of the way.

BTW, I didn't proofread this so if there's grammatical mistakes, keep it to yourself.

Thank you Lynk :handclap:


The Ballad of Ville Bobby
Mar 10, 2010
just got home from the game.....WOW, that was the best one I've been to, and I was at the home opener last year plus a bunch of other good ones. the last 5 minutes were insane. One day of rest then on to NYI.

The new speakers are crazy loud. The music during warm up sounded really good.

Mario's pool boy was pretty good chant, but it just didn't catch on to the lower bowl.

that is really funny.......I was in the lower bowl and we were all asking "what are they saying" wish we could have heard it because that's a beauty :handclap:
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The thrill is gone
Mar 16, 2011
#12 can't skate, or somethings wrong, slow slow slow, other then that he didn't cause any problems.

I know it's early but maybe Joki wasn't such a great pick-up, I too think is skating is poor, he isn't very intense either, from what I've heard they weren't exactly sad in Calgary to see him go. Time will tell.

Nothing Is New

Registered User
Sep 26, 2011
That game last night really made me miss hockey in person. The place was humming - almost like the Jets had a perpetual power play. Ladd and Kane played great. Postma quietly adapting - a solid 13 minutes. The D really neutralized Malkin.

Best part at the end, on the telecast after the open netter, the TV camera panned the Penguin bench - the players were all just staring (almost agog) at the stands and the wildly cheering fans.


Admitted Homer
Nov 29, 2011
Really nice game by the boys. I was at a surprise 50th b-day party last night but was still able to catch most of the game on TV. My impressions are Kane and Wheeler look great together. Little looks good on the wing, Buff can be a Norris candidate if he continues to pay attention to defense. The only negative is I keep expecting to see more from Olli.

puck stoppa

Registered User
Jul 5, 2011
That may have been the best game Ive been to as well. What a fun night. The crowd was sure buzzing in the second and third periods. Pavs really saved the day for us when it was 2-0 to allow for the comeback. Oli's skating is fine out there and he will get going, Im not worried about him. Clitsome scared me tho.
The sound system does seem a touch loud. Is Wheeler (dave not blake) done or did he just miss a game. The guy from the old breakfast TV replaced him and it sounded like he was yelling all night cause the speakers are so loud.
Great night! Loved every minute of it.

Gil Fisher

Registered User
Mar 18, 2012
Olli is Olli. Anybody who was listening to Flames fans shouldn't be expecting your typical #1 Centre. But he is a decent player who can centre any line.

From the beginning of the year, I've wanted Burmi between Kane and Wheeler. I think that would be a great line, but I can see that Burmi has his own role.


Registered User
Mar 31, 2011
Great game!!!

Did notice in the last 2 games, there were hardly any whistles or penalties......seems like the Jets play well in a game like that....we will have to see how well they do against a team that doesn't freewheel like Pens/Caps.


Aug 21, 2011
Evander Kane has clearly bought into Noel's system. That may have been his best game ever. I started to key in on him about halfway through the second period - watching him without the puck is so much different from last season. He's far more responsible in the neutral and defensive zone now.

Wheeler and Kane seem to have the beginnings of a really good chemistry - there were a couple of what appeared to be blind passes that led to rushes and opportunities.

Kane is a key cog to this team - why do people not see this? Instead they focus on his haircut or what suit he's wearing. Why aren't they seeing the defensive zone pick-ups he made several times last night, or the neutral zone take-aways?

Gil Fisher

Registered User
Mar 18, 2012
A few other random thoughts:

1. Going into the weekend my preference was to play well and lose to Pittsburg and beat NYI, rather than beat the Pens and let down against the Islanders. So I hope we can keep it up tomorrow.

2. I am really impressed by Postma. He was like a super-sized Enstrom to a degree last night. He may not be the best at defensive zone coverage, but when he gets the puck, he shows great creativity in moving to safe areas and doing something productive with it. And he's a great skater on the rush.

3. In defense of Buff, when he went to the bench to get a new stick and ended up at centre ice receiving a breakaway pass; he lost his stick along the side boards, headed back to the front of the net, clearly saw two forwards down low and so tapped Slater on the ass and (presumably) told him to cover him, he went to the open point man, which was right by the bench, got a new stick, circled back to see we had won possession and headed up ice. He's very aware and has great anticipation.

4. I hope my grade 12 English teacher didn't read that last "sentence".

5. Wellwood is a good hockey player, but he sticks out like a sore thumb out there. He doesn't fit in very well with a high-tempo skating game.

6. We look like a playoff team. We're going to have injuries to our top 9 forwards. We're going to need Scheifele. I don't care if he there'll be some nights that he only gets 10mins of icetime, he should stay with us. 2 months of junior hockey will do nothing for him. Break him in slowly at the NHL level. Give him sheltered minutes to start and gradually work him into the top 9 and PP.

7. Frankly, I'm not sure Antro wouldn't be the best option between Kane and Wheeler; not as much speed as other options, but great behind the net.

8. Redmond please.

9. In case there's any doubt, I'd drop Clitty.

10. Kudos to the refs for not breaking up the pace of the game to call ticky-tack penalties.


Admitted Homer
Nov 29, 2011
Evander Kane has clearly bought into Noel's system. That may have been his best game ever. I started to key in on him about halfway through the second period - watching him without the puck is so much different from last season. He's far more responsible in the neutral and defensive zone now.

Wheeler and Kane seem to have the beginnings of a really good chemistry - there were a couple of what appeared to be blind passes that led to rushes and opportunities.

Kane is a key cog to this team - why do people not see this? Instead they focus on his haircut or what suit he's wearing. Why aren't they seeing the defensive zone pick-ups he made several times last night, or the neutral zone take-aways?

I agree about Kane being a key cog and a vital part of our core group. I think most knowledgeable fans realize this and its just a vocal minority that bashes him when they can. He is still young and makes the odd bad decision but so do most 21 year old's. Personally I think will always be a bit cocky but mature into a perennial 40 goal 80 point power forward that puts his team first.


Registered User
May 18, 2011
Great game BIG win. Thanks for the synopsis Lynk, it was spot on except.... you never mentioned how Montoya looked :sarcasm:

No time to dwell in the accomplishment, let's get ready for the Isles.
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