He's lucky he's been getting these empty net goals lately, because he's still playing terrible.
I counted 7 turnovers from him this game and it felt like about the same amount he’s had every game lately. Including 3 on one shift, that ended in this really bad one below.
He’s got plenty of time and space, and all he has to do is make the simple play behind the net, off the boards if need be, to Girard for the easy clear, but he once again refuses, and tries to make the fancy play again, somehow forgets where Malkin was after he just passed him, and hands the puck right to him for a great scoring chance.
I just saw them make that exact same simple chip play behind the net the other game. I think it was Colton to Girard iirc. They likely practice it. These turnovers are what's killing his game and hurting the team. He's made them all year and he refuses to simplify his game to avoid them.