Player Discussion Patrik Laine


Registered User
Jan 24, 2021

Just before his knee injury and his return to the rink in Montreal, Laine had gone through a rough patch of injuries and mental health problems.

He was naturally excited about his new platform in Montreal.

Laine had been struggling in deep waters for a long time. Due to various injuries, he had already been sidelined for more than 120 NHL games over the previous four seasons.

In 2021-2023, Laine scored 108 (48+60) points in 111 games for the Columbus Blue Jackets. Although the points were coming in, not everything was in order.

The mind was not feeling well. There were several reasons for that.

Eventually, Laine sought NHL treatment for his mental health problems at the end of January 2024. The last time he played in an NHL game was on 14 December 2023.

- Alamäki left a few years ago when my father died. After that, all kinds of sleep problems started. I couldn't sleep and I got tired. On top of that, there were injuries and other things," Laine says.

- Then the mental problems started to affect everything. I couldn't do my work, which meant I couldn't play. Then it affected my relationships. I had no joy in anything I did.

At the beginning of last season, Laine played 18 games for Columbus, but then injuries kept him sidelined again.

The Finn still returned to the rink, but a wall had come up.

- There were a couple of injuries right at the beginning of the season and then it started to get pretty depressing. Then, when I was just about to get back into the game, I suddenly felt like I couldn't do it anymore.

Vaiken is paras päätös
Laine tiesi oman päänsä sisällä koko ajan, että oikea ratkaisu olisi laittaa NHL-ura hetkeksi tauolle.

Miljoonia dollareita ansaitsevalle NHL-ammattilaiselle tuon päätöksen tekeminen oli luonnollisesti kova paikka.

Lopulta Laine laittoi itsensä ja terveytensä joukkueensa menestyksen edelle.

– Se oli yksi vaikeimmista päätöksistä, jonka olen joutunut tekemään itseni hyväksi. Jääkiekko on kuitenkin laji, jota olen rakastanut koko elämäni ja olen kaiken sille uhrannut.

– Se, että jouduin laittamaan hommat sivuun, oli vaikea, mutta paras päätös, jonka olen ikinä tehnyt.

Huippu-urheilijoiden elämä saattaa näyttää ulkopuolisten silmin kadehdittavalta – tilipussi on kohdallaan ja arjessa on tarjolla luksustuotteita hinnasta välittämättä.

– Se, että jouduin laittamaan hommat sivuun, oli vaikea, mutta paras päätös, jonka olen ikinä tehnyt.

Mutta Patrik Laine ui syvissä vesissä. Häntä ei kiinnostanut mikään.

Jo pelkästään normaaleista arkiaskareista suoriutuminen oli haastavaa. Elämänilo oli kateissa.

Minulla oli viikkoja, etten halunnut nähdä ketään, enkä halunnut lähteä kotoa mihinkään. En halunnut tehdä mitään, enkä nauttinut niistä asioista, joista normaalisti nautin. Energia oli kateissa, eikä mikään kiinnostanut, Laine muistelee vuoden takaisia olotilojaan.

– Onneksi näistäkin on päästy yli. Kovat ajat opettavat ja onneksi niissä oppii itsestään aika paljon asioita.

Laine kiittelee vuolaasti puolisoaan Jordan Leighia, joka on kulkenut hänen vierellään vaikeina aikoina.

Suomalaishyökkääjä kirjautui pois NHL:n hoito-ohjelmasta heinäkuussa muuttuneena ihmisenä. Nyt hän kokee, että hänellä on huomattavasti enemmän työkaluja kohdata jääkiekon ja elämän vastoinkäymiset.

Erityisesti Laine kokee, kuinka hänen suhtautumisensa vaikeisiin asioihin on muuttunut. Hän antaa konkreettisen esimerkin.

Polvivamma tuli heti toisessa pelissä. Jos se olisi tapahtunut puolitoista vuotta sitten, en tiedä, olisinko päässyt siitä yli.
Nyt siinä itkettiin pari päivää, ja sitten olin, että ”no niin”. Ei se mitään. Tulen vahvempana takaisin.


Very hard to copy, at least for me. Bad article format.


Aug 2, 2005
He's soft as shit. Zegras ship sailed moons ago and was never a legitimate option.
As someone who grew up with the Mighty Ducks movies... I've always got a bit of a soft spot for them.

Holy shit did they ever dodge a bullet not giving him an 8-year deal. That would have been cap hell for a long, long time.
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I do Three bullets.
Sep 5, 2006
Kirkland, Montreal
Myself I was mentally preparing for a January return
But a December return would be... a Christmas present :D

More than anything I want him back for him, to regain that joy again
Sucks were not looking so hot early on but, he could obviously help with that
(And if MSL ever figured out Suzuki and Dach should be on separate lines)

Skip Bayless

The Skip Bayless Show
Aug 28, 2014
I expect him to be dogshit 5 on 5, but he better be practicing that one timer 'cause that second wave is going to become lethal if his timing is on point.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2013
Anyone think they give him a shot at C this season? I think it would be a big ask to immediately put him at 2C coming back from injury, but he played pretty well there in CLB.

Miller Time

Registered User
Sep 16, 2004
Anyone think they give him a shot at C this season? I think it would be a big ask to immediately put him at 2C coming back from injury, but he played pretty well there in CLB.

I think they'll start off how they were in camp, with Dach at C with Laine & Newhook... but if Dach still can't find his game, wouldn't be surprised at all to see Laine at C in the top 6 rather than Evans
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When the going gets tough...
Feb 20, 2003
I think they'll start off how they were in camp, with Dach at C with Laine & Newhook... but if Dach still can't find his game, wouldn't be surprised at all to see Laine at C in the top 6 rather than Evans
He's playedsome C before hasn't he?

Either way, he doesn't look too far off , great news!


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