Patrik Laine's left knee suffered a lot last night in the training game against Toronto, when the Finn collided with Cedric Pare on the blue line.- It looked pretty bad, orthopedic specialist Lasse Lempainen says directly.- Based on the video, Laine's knee bent strongly to the inside, but it seemed that it also bent over and twisted. It is probably an injury to the inner collateral ligament, but there is probably something else, the top surgeon continues.If Laine survives with a start, and it is only an injury to the inner collateral ligament, the winger could be fit to play in 6–8 weeks.- But there was so much speed and energy in the situation that I assume it is a more difficult injury. It is probably also a cruciate ligament injury.What is the recovery prognosis for an anterior cruciate ligament injury?- If it's only an anterior cruciate ligament injury and a lateral ligament injury, and nothing else, the recovery time for a hockey player of that level could be 8-9 months, but there could be an additional, for example, spiral injury, says Lempainen.8-9 months old Huili would practically know that Laine's season would be over before it even started. The NHL Regular Season ends on April 17, 2025.Finally, Lempainen reminds that his analysis is only based on the video image.- These are just estimates. Magnetic resonance imaging shows what has happened to the knee, but it looks like a serious knee injury.
Suomalainen huippukirurgi latasi karun arvion Patrik Laineen vammasta
On hyvin mahdollista, että Patrik Laine ei pelaa tällä kaudella NHL:ssä.