Laine has to be one of the most disrespected close to PPG players in NHL history. If he did all the things people expected of him, he would be a 12-14 million player in the new cap era. He went into a shit show and turned around a lackluster and frustrating power play in a heartbeat. But suddenly those goals are just gimmicks, unsustainable shots from a player who is so one-dimensional that he was given the spot just to contribute.
Before Laine, this team had nothing to do with the playoffs. On the contrary, we were drooling over all the potential centres in the draft. And now that we're in the mix - well, isn't it obvious that he has nothing to contribute in the tighter playoff hockey? Probably a healthy scratch before Game 3.
Man, we celebrate when Josh Anderson is projected to have a 26-point season. In his fifth season, Bergevin's gamble is finally paying off. Meanwhile, we discredit almost everything Laine does.