Player Discussion Patrik Laine: Part 2 - Healthy Living Edition

I don't really have any issue with what laine is saying. He's stating simple facts; He isn't getting the icetime that he likes and that's because MSL has to think of the team and try to win games. But now lining has a chance to play with very good players and with a lot of ice time and so it might help him continue to rehabilitate back to proper form. I am also someone still preaching patience on him, especially because of the preseason injury. He really does put his foot in his mouth but honestly it's easy to ignore. He just phrases things terribly.
Regards people getting all bent up about his recent comments about ice time, all I can say hockey fans are just about the most sensitive and delicate group of people I've ever known. It really doesn't take much to be "controversial" it seems :D He even admits to not having played well, and honestly I would find it really weird if he was feeling really great about playing 12 minutes a night max in the 4th line.
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Here is a Finnish comment about it:

Laineen osalta suurimmat kysymysmerkit liittyvät tasakentin pelaamiseen. Montréal Canadiensissa pelaava suomalainen on aivan viime aikoina joutunut seurajoukkueessaan jopa penkitetyksi, koska päävalmentaja Martin St. Louis ei ole ollut Laineen otteisiin tyytyväinen.

Laineelta kysyttiin Leijonien harjoitusten jälkeen, olisiko hän mielestään ansainnut NHL:ssä enemmän peliaikaa.

– Toivoisinko enemmän jääaikaa? Ehdottomasti. Kuka ei toivoisi. En halua syventyä tähän asiaan, mutta kun on jäällä 10 minuuttia, on vaikeaa, koska on tottunut enempään, Laine sanoi.

Laine ei kuitenkaan lähtenyt osoittelemaan sormella muita.

– Silti pitää yrittää parhaansa, enkä ole pystynyt suoriutumaan niin kuin pitäisi. Ymmärrän, miksi en ole pelannut yhtä paljon kuin normaalisti. Pitää katsoa peiliin, tehdä töitä ja saada asioita aikaan."
>However, Laine did not point the finger at others.

>"You still have to try your best, and I haven't been able to perform as well as I should. I understand why I haven't played as much as I normally would. You have to look in the mirror, work hard and get things done."

Not sure how anyone could call it "passive aggressive" but if Laine, of all people, is to become the new whipping boy there is little worth in resisting it. Dach, Newhook, and Slafkovsky can dog it all they want but the cap dump who suffered a knee injury in training camp is the one who gets all the ire -- so it goes.


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