The more I see Allvin speak with the dreaded Vancouver media the more I like the guy and believe in his work.
And the more I listen to Elias Pettersson talk with the dreaded Vancouver media, the more I hate the guy and lose faith in his work.
Regarding his post game, for example, and I know he was tired from the game, just lost and knew he had to face the media regarding JT... first off the lights were way too bright. So I get the squinting and not paying attention but man, take charge for ONCE.
Tell those reporters you understand the gravity of this situation, tell them all to back off you and then give them what they want, damnit!
Crack your knuckles. Get a foot away from the onlyfans lights, and take some responsibility.
I feel like no other Canuck in our history could make time stop in a post game scrum, dressing room wide, if he just said "OK LOOK GUYS".
"OMG hes about to take control." Every Jpat would flock.
He could follow it up with "ok guys I like icecream" and we still see more pulse and have more material to write about from the horses mouth than ever.
Instead hes cornered into the "more pressure" question, and in Elias Pettersson fashion we get the most meek "I want it" ive ever witnessed.
Some fans seem to be galvanized by that.
I sure wasnt.
He wants it. Yaaaaa right.