look up Eduard Streltsov, Soviet soccer player from the 50s. May not be the USSR anymore but Russia will always be Russia
In the eyes of the law you are wrong, as per usual with most things you spew on here.
yeah but this isn't the Twitter mob trying to get someone cancelled, he has family and friends in Russia that could legitimately be in danger. For all we know he could have been contacted by some Kremlin goons which is why he took the LOAmy issue is the LOA. Why? Why ruin this man’s season? Say it’s a political hit piece and ignore it.
One of these days an athlete is going to be on some sort of record breaking pace for something, someone is going to make up some bullshit about him, the team is going to go into panic mode, put him on a LOA, and now he can no longer break the record. it’s disgusting.
my issue is the LOA. Why? Why ruin this man’s season? Say it’s a political hit piece and ignore it.
One of these days an athlete is going to be on some sort of record breaking pace for something, someone is going to make up some bullshit about him, the team is going to go into panic mode, put him on a LOA, and now he can no longer break the record. it’s disgusting.
what distraction is there? say it’s not true, that it’s retaliation from the govt for his posts being anti-putin and move on. pretty sure the entirety of NY would believe him if he said that. all this does is rise suspicion that he did this.
yeah but this isn't the Twitter mob trying to get someone cancelled, he has family and friends in Russia that could legitimately be in danger. For all we know he could have been contacted by some Kremlin goons which is why he took the LOA
my issue is the LOA. Why? Why ruin this man’s season? Say it’s a political hit piece and ignore it.
One of these days an athlete is going to be on some sort of record breaking pace for something, someone is going to make up some bullshit about him, the team is going to go into panic mode, put him on a LOA, and now he can no longer break the record. it’s disgusting.
It doesn't work like that.
If they do that and it comes out that he DID to this, it looks awful for everyone.
Have you not read this thread?I see that twitter people are immediately jumping to wild speculation as we can always count on them to do.
Garbage bin of the internet. Let the journalists (The good ones) do their damn job.
yeah if he goes back to Russia for this that would be horrible, for him and for the teamthe safest thing to do is be with the team. if anything were to happen to panarin while he’s with the team, that would be a whole new level of diplomatic f***ery.
Zero difference between allegedly assaulting a woman at 18 or 28. You can't really be this obtuse? I mean...
I punched a girl in my class when 27 years ago, when I was 7 should I get fired from my job?
No it would not. You have do a lot more than be simply anti-Putin to be in danger. This is the way they are dealing with Panarin, trying to ruin his career here. Because this is nothing news in Russia, where domestic violence is actually decriminalized.Under no circumstances, can he go back to Russia. Literally could be a life/death situation if he sets foot in that country ever again.