The equation for the variance when using the binomial model is Var(x)=np(1-p) and the standard deviation is just the square root of the variance. I simply used (30/2)*100*27 as my sample size. Each team with 27 games divided by two to account for the dual nature of games, 100 years.
If you would like to learn more about stats I highly recommend the following books:
Probability Theory: The Logic of Science by Jaynes
Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data by Wheelan
They are some of the best basic statistics books out there. A calculus background is very useful when you start hitting some of the higher topics.
For data analysis, you absolutely must read
Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel by Linoff
It's a gem.
As for me, I'd like to eventually do advanced sports statistics for a living. I've been working on my own hockey analysis research here at Columbia, which I'll hopefully be able to publish sometime in the middle of next year.
It almost definitely won't work out, though, so I'll likely be looking at consulting/big data (companies like 1010data). In any case, if you really want to get into any analytics, a strong programming background is pretty much a prereq at this point. I'd start off with Python then move on to C++.
Thanks. BTW, it was brought to my attention that not all of the samples are independent. If there are 3 OT games in the first 27 game sample there is a 0% chance that there will be 1 or fewer OT games in the 2nd one. So I think I bit off more than I could chew with this analysis.
How much do you know about finance? If I remember correctly variance in finance is calculated the exact same way, no? I was reading a bit on risk management and that equation looks awfully similar. In stocks I think the variance and SD were a way of measuring volatility in the stock market. I assume this is something similar. I am however finding a hard time figuring out what p you used.