That's an interesting take. Wrong, but interesting.
The thing about Lemieux is, he has neither this highest goal scoring season of his era, or the highest adjusted goal scoring season of his era, or the highest GPG season of his era, or the highest adjusted GPG of his era.
Ovechkin has all 4.
In fact Ovechkin had a higher adjusted GPG than Lemieux, and he carried it through hundreds more games than Mario could.
And despite missing half a career's worth of games, Lemieux still didn't lead the NHL in GPG as many times as Ovie has.
And Ovechkin's peak goal scoring season is at least even with Lemieux's.
The one area where Lemieux has an advantage is playoff GPG. Aside from that - peak, prime, longevity, volume, -taken together Ovechkin has Lemieux soundly beaten.
Here's a bunch of data. Nobody has a better case for greatest goal scorer than Ovechkin, and it's not particularly close at this point.
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