Last night, the officiating was mediocre verging on horrible. After tightly-called games 1 and 2, things just sort of drifted away. The little hooks and holds that were PP in the first two games were now no big deal.
Dust-up along the boards and a player comes in, late, and jumps over the pile landing on the far side. Very dangerous to have skate blades whizzing past heads. Nothing called.
Numerous icings on both sides, where there was clear contact with a stick in the neutral zone, over the red line, still called icing. Late in the game, the rear line signalled icing on Brantford, the crowd could hear the puck hit an Ottawa stick in the neutral zone. The puck crossed the goal line, rebounding out in front of the net. Near line waved off icing and another official blew his whistle. The near line immediately raised his arm for icing. No idea what was going on there. More than one centre dot faceoff on missed calls.
I was also glad to see Brantford using Ottawa's "Sit behind the net and wait for Spring" tactic. To the point where the crowd was booing them. Personally, they can keep it. As Napoleon said: "never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
I noticed a couple of plays where the goaltender froze the puck in his crease with no opponent anywhere near. The referee blew it dead and treated it like icing, not allowing the offending team to change. Is this new, or have I been asleep all year. Both are possible.