Disclaimer: know nothing about lax.
So the bandits have won back to back championships. They're 2 best players appear to be signed long term, and they have 3 1st round picks this year??
Org seems....incredibly well-run. Can they 3-peat?
When quality people who know what they're doing are left to run the team...
Tavares and Dietrich work in step with one another. Got a need? They will make a trade or a signing. Have too much of something? They will make a trade for futures. Got a need... they will sign arguably the best goalie in the league as a UFA. I know Buffalo is a Bills town first and foremost but the Bandits are the example of how to build and rebuild on the fly.
*Yes, there are more players about than teams and that leads to getting a specialist like Farrell as a free agent part way through this season... it isn't a direct comparison. Yet the Bandits have a brand, they play a certain way. Offense? Got that. HARD to play against? Got that too. And the fans appreciate it. And the players appreciate that the fans appreciate it. There is no one at a Bandits game sitting with a paperback or reading their phone/tablet all game. That doesn't happen because the team doesn't leave that sort of room to just sit around bored.