some Pejorative Slur just pull the fire alarm accidentally as he somehow flings his phone and mistakenly collides into the fire alarm. Meanwhile, I'm sitting in the lobby drinking a cup of tea going through my mail and weekly flyers listening to music knowing exactly what's happened. A elderly woman who doesn't speak English runs into the hallway where people are starting to flood into and she's hysterically crying and screaming which sends people into a panic and starts running for the fire escape and stairs. Kids start crying, babies and people become rattled and survival mode kicks in, while the genius that pulled the fire alarm just stood by the entrance.The fire department comes and he runs up the stairs (presumably into his own apartment because there's a $250 fine + building strata fines for pulling the fire alarm when there's no apparent fire).
I stopped relaxing and took off my headphones and turned the noise cancelling off and told the one fire fighter who's looking into the security camera feed that there's no fire, some guy accidentally collided with the wall and pulled it and he just ran up to the third floor back into his apartment. They checked out the building and finally the guy comes out and starts saying it's not his fault, he "dropped" his phone or something and starts acting passive aggressive when they take down his information and the account of what happened.
I was scared by the noise for a second and when the woman started crying and screaming... I was seriously confused because I know there's no fire.... yet... this woman is....