I finally got caught up on Sons of Anarchy and Homeland. Working on Mad Men now and then will do True Detective. I have heard great things.
Debating whether to finish Dexter. I have heard awful things a about the last season. Which is a shame, because the good seasons of that show (1, 4, 2, 7) were sooooo good.
Do not finish Dexter. Keep it in a positive light in your mind. Probably the stupidest ending i've ever seen to a TV show.
Haven't watched SOA but heard great things about that.
Watched the first season of homeland. As I was preparing to start watching the second season I watched Zero Dark Thirty and decided the show was no good.
Interrogation on Zero Dark Thirty: put a suspect in a box for days, blasting loud music, depriving him of food, and allowing him to roll around in his own fecal matter.
Interrogation on Homeland: put a suspect in a house, put a cup of water and pastry in front of him, calmly tell him he'll never see his family if he doesn't comply, don't pat down another suspect who can give him a razor to kill himself.
Heard mixed reviews on Mad Men. Maybe I should watch it since I'm trying to get into the advertising industry?