completely depends on the composition of your team and the enemy team and what items both decide to build and if the team opposing clinkz actually purchases sentry wards/dust/etc.
clinkz is more of a burst damage dealer while drow is slightly better at chasing and has a nice silence to help out in team fights as well as a global aura that buffs all ranged damage on your team
if they were both just shooting each other in the face without moving, clinkz would probably win if they had equivalent levels of farm, but that isn't really a good comparison. like all things in dota, the answer is situational.
i played a really fun game last night where i was tusk with a centaur, elder titan, magnus, and lc on my team. we destroyed the other team early game by all rolling up in a snowball in lane and mass bursting people down when we popped out. my first game as tusk too, actually.
A++ would play again