Eh, the NFL already go their dough for the relocation, so I think that the other owners are fine. That being said, the Chargers' future in LA is already doomed in my book. There are really mostly two types of NFL fans in LA:
1) People that just wanted a team back, and
2) People that just wanted the Raiders back.
Group #1 was already happy with the Rams, so they didn't need or want a second team. And Group #2 was mad at the Chargers, as their act of moving in blocked the team they wanted from moving in. In other words, a very shaky ground to try to establish a franchise in. It's actually shocking that the NFL and the Chargers are surprised by this.
If the Chargers aren't going to be in LA for long, I'd venture a guess that they'd move to a new market, like San Antonio or OKC or Portland, before heading back to San Diego. I think that ship has sailed.