The whole Toffoli deal sucked, from the first minute. It was obvious he wouldn't resign here from day one, because of his age and the teams timeline. Everybody here seems to think giving up Sharangovich and a 3rd for a guy that played 3/4 of one season for us means nothing. I disagree. The guy does great in Calgary, he is 25 years old and fits our timeline perfectly. Also, I think he was well liked, kills penalties, plays fast and is worth quite a bit more than this 2nd rounder we now got for Toffoli from Winnipeg. The two 3rds cancel each other out. All in all, it was another really bad deal from Fitz, another one that destroyed what we started to have last season. Fitz obviously thought he could turn Toffoli into a first at the deadline, when he made the initial Rango/Toffoli deal. Surprise surprise he couldn't. The pick is a late one as well. What a shitty deal.