@adsfan: If an opening date in October 1988 qualifies as an "Old Arena," then the OP had better make room for a LOT more images in this thread.
Made me wonder whether anyone rescued those Miller Lite-themed light fixtures above the entryway before the wrecking ball swung. Somebody with a 3-story man cave could've made one helluvan upgrade.... I had photos of a hockey arena that I shot from nearly the same spot when it was in use and when it was demolished.
The Bradley Center is a vacant lot after 29 years of existence. It is gone, just like Madison Square Garden I, II & III. ...
Listowel Memorial Arena roof collapse - 1959.
Story and more pics here:
Hockey arena disaster changed small town forever
News video here:
CFPL Videos: Listowel Tragedy - Arena Roof Collapses Killing Eight, 1959
Report done after collapse: