Oilers Win the Draft Lottery

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I adore Soli
May 2, 2014
I don't want to make a separate thread about this, but I want to hear your opinions.
How do Oilers, ruin their #1 ov draft picks.
People say we've ruined Hall, Nuge, Yaks.
How? someone elaborate.


This is not a robbery, I swear!
Mar 14, 2015
This just in McDavid announces Retirement, says might go play beer league in Toronto. "I left the room and cried" he said. Also Kevin Lowe announces that he will build a statue of himself and force season ticket holders in Edmonton to make it. In other news Jack Eichel was seen laughing on the floor at Boston University when asked why, he couldn't answer he was laughing to hard.

Random Forest

Registered User
May 12, 2010
Not sure where people saw that McDavid was crushed by sadness. Maybe the part where he said it would be a true honour to play for the Oilers.

Body language was far more telling than his words. I understand you're likely blinded by excitement, but most people saw a kid who was not exactly thrilled. Not that he won't sign or won't become excited by Edmonton, but it was quite clear that Edmonton was not his top choice.


Poster Excellont
Feb 19, 2007
If any one franchise here can match a) Losing your STARTING GOALIE in game 1 of the SCF 2) having your star D from that run jet out of town and take all the other rentals with him 3) watch the same GM from that year run your team in to the ground for a decade after you can say you also deserved McD... but we did not deserve him less than any one else... get real

Mike. Milbury.

And as someone else said...Edmonton fans deserve better, trust me, I feel your pain...it's the management that doesn't deserve mcdavid.


Registered User
May 16, 2009
It's funny how Edmonton fans are happy. I mean, yes, in theory they should. They just won the lottery and are sure to get a generational talent.

But that generational talent clearly wants nothing to do with you. It's like winning a date with the hottest girl in the school, and she's forced to be with you, but you know that during that first date she's probably gonna **** the waiter and everybody else that is in a mile radius asap.

Really wish a team that *DESERVED* a guy like McDavid actually got him. Not a team that gets rewarded first overall after first overall and can't ****ing do anything with that talent.

You are lying to yourself and to everyone on here right now when you assume or imply that you have a single clue what McDavid wants or thinks.


Registered User
Apr 25, 2007
The NHL favoured Edmonton over Buffalo? Do you even realize what you're saying? I'm not an Oiler's fan, but that assertion is beyond ridiculous. The league has zero to gain from rigging the lottery to give McDavid to Edmonton over Buffalo. Imo, if they were going to fix the outcome Arizona would have won, hands down.

True, Buffalo did not get screwed, they achieved EXACTLY what they wanted to this season and are going to get a superstar out of it, it makes no sense to fix the lotto for edmonton of buffalo who are very stable teams with huge fan bases, if anything, rig for arizona......as a buffalo fan, we got Eichel and we don't have to play McDavid.....im totally ok with that


No u
May 1, 2009
Boston, MA
Biggest plus for McDavid is there is no pressure to preform, because no one would be surprised the Oil mismanage him to mediocrity.

His only out: Marry Chris Pronger's wife and have her demand a trade.


Registered User
Feb 14, 2012
I'm happy hes in our division because it'll be fun as hell to see him play my team a bunch of times every year and I'm happy for the Edmonton fans too, I can't imagine how awful its been trying to drum up excitement or any kind of positivity past November every year.

I think its fantastic McDavid will be in Canada too, I just wish the Oilers management had be fired and gutted before this happened, I hope for the fans of Edmonton and for McDavid that he has the talent and willpower to turn that mess around.

Congratulations and good luck


Canucks and Jets fan
Aug 1, 2006
Vancouver, BC

This. Their front office is probably the most dysfunctional group in the league yet they are still employed by the owner who loves to hang around them from time to time.

Daryl Katz will not rid of Lowe and McTavish, if all else he will promote them for long periods of time because of these draft picks.


Registered User
Jul 12, 2014
So according to the quick calculation I just did, the probability of Edmonton picking first overall in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015 and not picking first overall in 2013 and 2014 was...



Registered User
Dec 31, 2012
If any one franchise here can match a) Losing your STARTING GOALIE in game 1 of the SCF 2) having your star D from that run jet out of town and take all the other rentals with him 3) watch the same GM from that year run your team in to the ground for a decade after you can say you also deserved McD... but we did not deserve him less than any one else... get real

You forgot to add; drafted first overall 4 times in 6 yrs there.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2012
Question for Oilers fans

Which would you rather have:

1. Getting McDavid this year and keeping the current management for 5 more years.

2. Drafting third this year and immediately cleaning house upstairs (replacing Lowe, MacTavish etc with competent people).

Feel free to give reasons…intrigued to hear the responses.

Arto Kilponen

Registered User
Oct 29, 2006
Helsinki, Finland
I agree with MacTavish. Offense wins hockey games. The problem is that there's 82 games in regular season and even if you would win enough games to make playoffs, dreaming about winning playoff series, let alone more than one in a season, is just stupid.
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