Time to Drive
Most orgs have plans on where or how a player fits, where they will be used to what effect and with some crucial level of thought involved in it. The first mistake is this org will just recruit the names and often without even consideration of are they even healthy (its become chronic for this org to deal for injured players and they just keep doing it)There is a problem here when so many players (wingers especially) underperform here over and over again.
Drake Caggiula at 0.178 GPG in his first stint here outperformed Dylan Holloway and Ryan McLeod here, lol. And yes even in the playoffs in 16-17, he scored at a higher rate in the playoffs than those guys also.
Like what the f*** is even going on here before some questions need to be asked?
Coaches think they need to tailor the roster for Connor and Leon too much I think, that's the problem. Those guys are gonna be alright, it's the rest of the freaking forward corps you need to focus on getting production from but every coach here just falls into the tunnel vision of just trying to win whatever game is on the schedule that night, and that usually falls into "spam the McDrai button until you win!". Then they get used to that and get lazy in understanding the rest of the team needs actually their primary focus.
I've said it many times before. Playing for a contender the player has to have moxy. You need a kind of confidence to be a good part on a contender team. Next the guys you recruit to be topsix HAVE to be the personalities that can handle playing on a contender, and WITH generational superstars. Arvid very clearly, psychologically is NOT that. He's somebody drilling himself into the ice with frustration not being able to finish anything. We see indeed that such players REMOVED from playing with greats start to get more scoring chances. This is not because of coaching, not because of say Drai or McD not being good in aiding of production, its because some personalities cannot handle playing with the great players. They don't think enough of themselves as players to be there. They are full of doubts. With Pods and Arvid particularly its palpable that they don't feel worthy or confident in the role.
The org gives no thought to any of this.