Junior Hockey Fan Since Birth
Continuing the Trade Thread for the coming Priority Selection and 2024-25 Season.
2023-24 Trade Thread is here
April 8th
FLNT - 6th '24 (FLNT)
KIT - 5th '25 (MISS)
OSH - 2nd '24 (LDN)
OS - 4th '26 (OS), 2nd '27 (OS)
LDN - 13th '24 (LDN), 15th '24 (ERI)
MISS - 13th '25 (MISS), 14th '26 (MISS)
FLNT - 11th '24 (FLNT)
KGN - 10th '26 (OS)
FLNT - 4th '24 (BRANT)
SAR - 4th '25 (SAR), 5th '26 (BAR)
FLNT - 5th '24 (SAR)
SBY - 4th '25 (BAR)
NIAG - 14th '24 (FLNT)
ERI - 13th '26 (ERI)
WSR - 4th '24 (NIAG), 10th '24 (WSR)
FLNT - 3rd '24 (KIT)
FLNT - 7th '24 (FLNT)
SBY - 6th '26 (SAG)
Jun 4th
SBY - Evan Konyen, Nolan Collins, Matthew Mania, Josh Colosimo (Rights)
FLNT- Gavin Ewles, Daks Klinkhammer, 2nd '27 (SSM), 2nd '27 (KIT), 3rd '27 (BAR), 3rd '27 (MISS), 4th '25 (SAR), 4th '28 (FLNT), 5th '27 (PTBO), 7th '25 (FLNT), 9th '25 (FLNT)
FLNT - 5th '25 (MISS), 15th '25 (FLNT), 3rd '26 (SSM), 2nd '27 (FLNT), 5th '27 (FLNT), Condt. 2nd '28 (FLNT), 3rd '28 (FLNT)
KGN - Christopher Thibodeau, 4th '28 (KGN)
Jun 6th
NIAG - 2nd '26 (KGN), 3rd '25 (FLNT), 4th '26 (NBAY), 10th '26 (SSM)
SSM - Matthew Virgilio
Jun 21st
KGN - Condt. 15th '26 (KGN)
SAG - Nolan Lalonde (Rights)
Jul 2nd
OTT - Tuomus Uronen
KGN - 4th '25 (NIAG), Condt 7th '27 (SAR)
Aug 6th
OS - Cedrick Guindon
KGN - 3rd '26 (KIT), 10th '26 (KGN), 2nd '27 (FLNT), 4th '27 (KGN), 5th '28 (KGN)
BRAM - 2nd '25 (PTBO), 2nd '26 (GUE), 2nd '27 (BRAM), 3rd '25 (KIT), 3rd '25 (PTBO), 3rd '28 (BRAM)
KIT - Carson Rehkopf
Aug 7th
LDN - 7th '25 (LDN)
BRAM - Liam Spencer
LDN - 4th '25 (WSR), 2nd '28 (LDN)
BRAM - 2nd '25 (BRAM)
Aug 8th
WSR - 13th '25 (WSR), Condt. 2nd '25 (BRANT), 4th '26 (WSR), 6th '26 (WSR)
NBAY - Tnias Mathurin, 13th '25 (NBAY)
Aug 19th
ERI - Spencer Sova, 15th '28 (ERI)
BRAM - 2nd '25 (ERI), Condt. 4th '26 (SAR), Condt. 4th '28 (BRAM), 15th '28 (BRAM), Coben Bryan (Rights)
ERI- 10th '26 (ERI), 2nd '27 (ERI), 2nd '28 (ERI), 3rd '26 (SAR), 3rd '28 (ERI), 4th '28 (ERI)
KGN- Gabriel Frasca, 10th '28 (OS)
NIAG - Artem Frolov, Urban Podrekar, Hayden Reid (Rights), 2nd '25 (OSH), 2nd '26 (PTBO), 3rd '26 (NBAY), 3rd '27 (SBY), 3rd '27 (OS)
FLNT - Tristan Burtucci, 8th ' 25 (FLNT), 14th '25 (FLNT), Condt. 3rd '28 (PTBO),
NIAG - Tristan Burtucci
BAR - Jack Brauti, Blair Scott, 4th '25 (KGN), 2nd '26 (BAR), 3rd '27 (WSR)
OS - 6th '27 (OS)
ERI - Bruce MacDonald
PTBO - 3rd '28 (PTBO), 6th '26 (PTBO), 5th '27 (WSR)
FLNT - Matthew Jenken
Aug 23rd
NIAG - Condt. 4th '26 (SAG), 15th '26 (NIAG), Condt. 3rd '27 (NBAY), Condt. 5th '28 (NIAG)
SBY - Noah Van Vliet, 15th '26 (SBY)
Aug 26th
BAR - 4th '25 (KIT), 2nd '26 (SAG), 3rd '27 (KIT), 2nd '28 (BAR)
OTT - Brad Gardiner
Aug 29th
BRANT - 2nd '25 (BAR), 2nd '25 (WSR), 2nd '26 (BRANT), 3rd '25 (OTT), 3rd '26 (OTT), 3rd '27 (SAG), 4th '25 (BRANT), 5th '27 (BRANT)
BRAM - Reyerson Leenders
BRAM - 4th '25 (WSR), 6th '28 BRAM)
ERI - Jacob Gibbons
Sept 2nd
SAR - Tyler O'Toole
OSH - 8th '25 (KIT)
Sept 5th
KIT - Condt. 2nd '28 (KIT), Condt. 3rd '28 (KIT) Condt. 4th '28 (KIT) 15th '28 (KIT),
BRAM - Adam Valentini (Rights)
Sept 12th
KGN - Caleb Malhotra (Rights), 2nd '28 (KGN)
BRANT - 2nd '26 (BRANT), 6th '26 (BRANT), Condt. 3rd '28 (BRANT), Condt. 4th '28 (BRANT), Condt. 5th '28 (BRANT)
Sept 13th
SSM - Ryder Cali (Rights)
NBAY - 6th '25 (LDN), Condt. 7th '27 (NBAY), Condt. 2nd '28 (NBAY), Condt. 4th '28 (NBAY)
Sept 16th
KIT - 9th '28 (KIT)
NIAG- Andrew Vermeulen
SAR - Sean Doherty
NIAG - 5th '25 (KIT)
Sept 17th
GUE - Joey Wassilyn
NIAG - 13th '25 (NIAG)
Sept 18th
SSM - 15th '28 (SSM)
PTBO - Brayden Velliaris
Sept 23rd
LDN - Kaden Johnston
SAR - 4th '27 (ERI)
Sept 25th
NIAG - Gabriel Eliasson
BAR - 3rd '28 (BAR), 15th '27 (BAR)
Sept 26th
PTBO - William Haley
GUE - 13th '27 (GUE)
Oct 3rd
OS- Colby Barlow
OSH - David Bedkowski, Tristan Delisle, 3rd '25 (OSH), 2nd '26 (OSH), 3rd '26 (OSH), 7th '26 (OSH), 2nd '27 (OSH), 5th '28 (OSH)
BAR - Chris Grisolia
KIT- Condt. 15th '27 (KIT)
Oct 4th
OTT - Charlie Hilton
SSM - 5th '27 (SSM)
Oct 7th
KGN - Jakub Chromiak
KIT - 7th '28 (KIT), Condt. 8th '27 (KIT)
Oct 10th
BAR - Shamar Moses, 4th '25 (OTT), 5th '27 (NIAG)
NBAY - Dalyn Wakely
Oct 16th
BAR - Austin Elliott
LDN - 14th '26 (BRAM), Condt. 5th '27 (LDN)
Oct 22nd
NIAG - Gavin Bryant
PTBO - 3rd '26 (GUE), 9th '28 (PTBO)
Oct 23rd
LDN - Alec Leonard
OS - Condt. 14th '27 (OS)
Oct 28th
BRANT - Briir Long
NBAY - 5th '27 (NBAY)
OSH - Noah Bender
FLNT - 7th '25 (SAR), 4th '27 (PTBO)
Nov 1st
ERI - Ondrej Molnar
SBY - Condt. 3rd '26 (NIAG), 3rd '27 (NBAY)
Nov 22nd
PTBO - Chase Lefbevre
BRAM - Condt. 11th '28 (BRAM)
Nov 26th
LDN - Blake Arrowsmith
NIAG - 6th '25 (SAR), 3rd '26 (BRANT), 3rd '28 (NIAG)
Dec 9th
NIAG - Masen Wary
OS - 7th '26 (OS)
Dec 16th
GUE - Vilmer Alriksson
BRAM - 2nd '26 (BRANT), 3rd '25 (OTT), 3rd '27 (SAG)
Dec 17th
KIT - Justin Bottineau
GUE - 5th '28 (GUE)
GUE - Cam Allen
LDN - Noah Jenken, 3rd '25 (SAR), 2nd '26 (NBAY), 2nd '26 (NIAG), 3rd '27 (NIAG), 4th '27 (ERI), 4th '28 (LDN), 5th '28 (LDN)
Jan 1st
BRAM - 2nd '25 (BRAM), 3rd '26 (LDN), Condt. 5th '27 (BRANT)
GUE - Bryaden Gillespie
Jan 5th
BAR - Parker Vaughan, Zach Wigle, Condt. 4th '27 (KIT), Condt. 5th '27 (BAR), Condt. 6th '27 (PTBO), Condt. 7th '28 (BAR)
NBAY - Anthony Romani, Owen Van Steensel
Jan 7th
SSM - Andrew Gibson
OSH - Brady Smith, 4th '26 (OSH), 2nd '27 (OS), 3rd '27 (OSH), 4th '27 (OSH), 4th '27 (PTBO), 6th '27 (OSH), 6th '28 (OSH), 7th '28 (OSH)
KGN - Matthew Manza (rights)
SAR - Condt. 10th '27 (SAR)
SAG - Ethan Hay, Will Bishop,
KGN - Xander Velliaris, 2nd '26 (SAR), 2nd '27 (ERI), 3rd '28 (FLNT), 3rd '28 (ERI), 3rd '28 (KGN), 4th '26 (KGN), 5th '26 (KGN), 6th '26 (BRANT)
SAG - Joey Willis
KGN - Ethan Weir, 2nd '26 (FLNT), 2nd '28 (ERI), 3rd '25 (NIAG), 3rd '26 (SAR), 3rd '27 (KGN), 4th '28 (ERI), 5th '27 (KGN), 7th '28 (KIT)
SAG - 2nd '28 (ERI), 4th '28 (ERI)
NBAY - 2nd '25 (BRANT)
Jan 8th
OS - Konnor Smith
BRAM - 2nd '25 (WSR), 7th '25 (LDN), 3rd '26 (OTT), 6th '26 (BRAM), 5th '27 (BRAM), 2nd '28 (LDN), 10th '28 (BRAM)
WSR - 5th '25 (NIAG)
KGN - Luke McNamara
Jan 9th
SAG - 10th '25 (SAR)
SAR - Kaden Johnston
KGN - Nolan Lalonde, 3rd '26 (SSM), 5th '25 (BRAM), 6th '28 (KGN)
SSM - Charlie Schenkel
PTBO - 4th '27 (SBY), 6th '28 (PTBO)
OTT - Brady Stonehouse
BRANT - 3rd '26 (SAG), 5th '27 (NBAY)
GUE - Thomas Budnick
WSR - Adrian Manzo, 2nd '25 (KIT), 3rd '26 (BAR), 4th '27 (BAR), Condt. 8th '27 (WSR)
NBAY - Wyatt Kennedy
SAR - Jonathan Kapageridis
NBAY - 2nd '25 (KIT), 3rd '27 (OTT), 8th '27 (NBAY)
Jan 10th
BRANT- Noah Roberts
SBY- 2nd '27 (KIT), 2nd '28 (SBY), 3rd '26 (SBY), Condt 3rd '28 (SBY)
OSH - Shawn Costello, 3rd '28 (OSH), 4th '26 (OS)
WSR - Ethan Martin
SBY - Andrew Gaulton
SAR - Karsen Chartier
SBY - Nolan Jackson, 2nd '27 (SSM), 2nd '27 (SBY), 3rd '25 (SBY), 3rd '27 (BRAM), 5th '25 (SBY), Condt. 7th '28 (SBY), Condt. 8th '27 (SBY), Condt. 9th '27 (SBY)
OTT - Henry Mews
2023-24 Trade Thread is here
2023-24 Trade Thread
I will be continuing to update the trades starting with the 2023-24 OHL Priority Selection (listed below) the 2022-2023 thread listed below for anyone who may want to look at the past transactions. Recent trades will be posted here ahead of Draft Day and will be updated throughout the 2023-24...
April 8th
FLNT - 6th '24 (FLNT)
KIT - 5th '25 (MISS)
OSH - 2nd '24 (LDN)
OS - 4th '26 (OS), 2nd '27 (OS)
LDN - 13th '24 (LDN), 15th '24 (ERI)
MISS - 13th '25 (MISS), 14th '26 (MISS)
FLNT - 11th '24 (FLNT)
KGN - 10th '26 (OS)
FLNT - 4th '24 (BRANT)
SAR - 4th '25 (SAR), 5th '26 (BAR)
FLNT - 5th '24 (SAR)
SBY - 4th '25 (BAR)
NIAG - 14th '24 (FLNT)
ERI - 13th '26 (ERI)
WSR - 4th '24 (NIAG), 10th '24 (WSR)
FLNT - 3rd '24 (KIT)
FLNT - 7th '24 (FLNT)
SBY - 6th '26 (SAG)
Jun 4th
SBY - Evan Konyen, Nolan Collins, Matthew Mania, Josh Colosimo (Rights)
FLNT- Gavin Ewles, Daks Klinkhammer, 2nd '27 (SSM), 2nd '27 (KIT), 3rd '27 (BAR), 3rd '27 (MISS), 4th '25 (SAR), 4th '28 (FLNT), 5th '27 (PTBO), 7th '25 (FLNT), 9th '25 (FLNT)
FLNT - 5th '25 (MISS), 15th '25 (FLNT), 3rd '26 (SSM), 2nd '27 (FLNT), 5th '27 (FLNT), Condt. 2nd '28 (FLNT), 3rd '28 (FLNT)
KGN - Christopher Thibodeau, 4th '28 (KGN)
Jun 6th
NIAG - 2nd '26 (KGN), 3rd '25 (FLNT), 4th '26 (NBAY), 10th '26 (SSM)
SSM - Matthew Virgilio
Jun 21st
KGN - Condt. 15th '26 (KGN)
SAG - Nolan Lalonde (Rights)
Jul 2nd
OTT - Tuomus Uronen
KGN - 4th '25 (NIAG), Condt 7th '27 (SAR)
Aug 6th
OS - Cedrick Guindon
KGN - 3rd '26 (KIT), 10th '26 (KGN), 2nd '27 (FLNT), 4th '27 (KGN), 5th '28 (KGN)
BRAM - 2nd '25 (PTBO), 2nd '26 (GUE), 2nd '27 (BRAM), 3rd '25 (KIT), 3rd '25 (PTBO), 3rd '28 (BRAM)
KIT - Carson Rehkopf
Aug 7th
LDN - 7th '25 (LDN)
BRAM - Liam Spencer
LDN - 4th '25 (WSR), 2nd '28 (LDN)
BRAM - 2nd '25 (BRAM)
Aug 8th
WSR - 13th '25 (WSR), Condt. 2nd '25 (BRANT), 4th '26 (WSR), 6th '26 (WSR)
NBAY - Tnias Mathurin, 13th '25 (NBAY)
Aug 19th
ERI - Spencer Sova, 15th '28 (ERI)
BRAM - 2nd '25 (ERI), Condt. 4th '26 (SAR), Condt. 4th '28 (BRAM), 15th '28 (BRAM), Coben Bryan (Rights)
ERI- 10th '26 (ERI), 2nd '27 (ERI), 2nd '28 (ERI), 3rd '26 (SAR), 3rd '28 (ERI), 4th '28 (ERI)
KGN- Gabriel Frasca, 10th '28 (OS)
NIAG - Artem Frolov, Urban Podrekar, Hayden Reid (Rights), 2nd '25 (OSH), 2nd '26 (PTBO), 3rd '26 (NBAY), 3rd '27 (SBY), 3rd '27 (OS)
FLNT - Tristan Burtucci, 8th ' 25 (FLNT), 14th '25 (FLNT), Condt. 3rd '28 (PTBO),
NIAG - Tristan Burtucci
BAR - Jack Brauti, Blair Scott, 4th '25 (KGN), 2nd '26 (BAR), 3rd '27 (WSR)
OS - 6th '27 (OS)
ERI - Bruce MacDonald
PTBO - 3rd '28 (PTBO), 6th '26 (PTBO), 5th '27 (WSR)
FLNT - Matthew Jenken
Aug 23rd
NIAG - Condt. 4th '26 (SAG), 15th '26 (NIAG), Condt. 3rd '27 (NBAY), Condt. 5th '28 (NIAG)
SBY - Noah Van Vliet, 15th '26 (SBY)
Aug 26th
BAR - 4th '25 (KIT), 2nd '26 (SAG), 3rd '27 (KIT), 2nd '28 (BAR)
OTT - Brad Gardiner
Aug 29th
BRANT - 2nd '25 (BAR), 2nd '25 (WSR), 2nd '26 (BRANT), 3rd '25 (OTT), 3rd '26 (OTT), 3rd '27 (SAG), 4th '25 (BRANT), 5th '27 (BRANT)
BRAM - Reyerson Leenders
BRAM - 4th '25 (WSR), 6th '28 BRAM)
ERI - Jacob Gibbons
Sept 2nd
SAR - Tyler O'Toole
OSH - 8th '25 (KIT)
Sept 5th
KIT - Condt. 2nd '28 (KIT), Condt. 3rd '28 (KIT) Condt. 4th '28 (KIT) 15th '28 (KIT),
BRAM - Adam Valentini (Rights)
Sept 12th
KGN - Caleb Malhotra (Rights), 2nd '28 (KGN)
BRANT - 2nd '26 (BRANT), 6th '26 (BRANT), Condt. 3rd '28 (BRANT), Condt. 4th '28 (BRANT), Condt. 5th '28 (BRANT)
Sept 13th
SSM - Ryder Cali (Rights)
NBAY - 6th '25 (LDN), Condt. 7th '27 (NBAY), Condt. 2nd '28 (NBAY), Condt. 4th '28 (NBAY)
Sept 16th
KIT - 9th '28 (KIT)
NIAG- Andrew Vermeulen
SAR - Sean Doherty
NIAG - 5th '25 (KIT)
Sept 17th
GUE - Joey Wassilyn
NIAG - 13th '25 (NIAG)
Sept 18th
SSM - 15th '28 (SSM)
PTBO - Brayden Velliaris
Sept 23rd
LDN - Kaden Johnston
SAR - 4th '27 (ERI)
Sept 25th
NIAG - Gabriel Eliasson
BAR - 3rd '28 (BAR), 15th '27 (BAR)
Sept 26th
PTBO - William Haley
GUE - 13th '27 (GUE)
Oct 3rd
OS- Colby Barlow
OSH - David Bedkowski, Tristan Delisle, 3rd '25 (OSH), 2nd '26 (OSH), 3rd '26 (OSH), 7th '26 (OSH), 2nd '27 (OSH), 5th '28 (OSH)
BAR - Chris Grisolia
KIT- Condt. 15th '27 (KIT)
Oct 4th
OTT - Charlie Hilton
SSM - 5th '27 (SSM)
Oct 7th
KGN - Jakub Chromiak
KIT - 7th '28 (KIT), Condt. 8th '27 (KIT)
Oct 10th
BAR - Shamar Moses, 4th '25 (OTT), 5th '27 (NIAG)
NBAY - Dalyn Wakely
Oct 16th
BAR - Austin Elliott
LDN - 14th '26 (BRAM), Condt. 5th '27 (LDN)
Oct 22nd
NIAG - Gavin Bryant
PTBO - 3rd '26 (GUE), 9th '28 (PTBO)
Oct 23rd
LDN - Alec Leonard
OS - Condt. 14th '27 (OS)
Oct 28th
BRANT - Briir Long
NBAY - 5th '27 (NBAY)
OSH - Noah Bender
FLNT - 7th '25 (SAR), 4th '27 (PTBO)
Nov 1st
ERI - Ondrej Molnar
SBY - Condt. 3rd '26 (NIAG), 3rd '27 (NBAY)
Nov 22nd
PTBO - Chase Lefbevre
BRAM - Condt. 11th '28 (BRAM)
Nov 26th
LDN - Blake Arrowsmith
NIAG - 6th '25 (SAR), 3rd '26 (BRANT), 3rd '28 (NIAG)
Dec 9th
NIAG - Masen Wary
OS - 7th '26 (OS)
Dec 16th
GUE - Vilmer Alriksson
BRAM - 2nd '26 (BRANT), 3rd '25 (OTT), 3rd '27 (SAG)
Dec 17th
KIT - Justin Bottineau
GUE - 5th '28 (GUE)
GUE - Cam Allen
LDN - Noah Jenken, 3rd '25 (SAR), 2nd '26 (NBAY), 2nd '26 (NIAG), 3rd '27 (NIAG), 4th '27 (ERI), 4th '28 (LDN), 5th '28 (LDN)
Jan 1st
BRAM - 2nd '25 (BRAM), 3rd '26 (LDN), Condt. 5th '27 (BRANT)
GUE - Bryaden Gillespie
Jan 5th
BAR - Parker Vaughan, Zach Wigle, Condt. 4th '27 (KIT), Condt. 5th '27 (BAR), Condt. 6th '27 (PTBO), Condt. 7th '28 (BAR)
NBAY - Anthony Romani, Owen Van Steensel
Jan 7th
SSM - Andrew Gibson
OSH - Brady Smith, 4th '26 (OSH), 2nd '27 (OS), 3rd '27 (OSH), 4th '27 (OSH), 4th '27 (PTBO), 6th '27 (OSH), 6th '28 (OSH), 7th '28 (OSH)
KGN - Matthew Manza (rights)
SAR - Condt. 10th '27 (SAR)
SAG - Ethan Hay, Will Bishop,
KGN - Xander Velliaris, 2nd '26 (SAR), 2nd '27 (ERI), 3rd '28 (FLNT), 3rd '28 (ERI), 3rd '28 (KGN), 4th '26 (KGN), 5th '26 (KGN), 6th '26 (BRANT)
SAG - Joey Willis
KGN - Ethan Weir, 2nd '26 (FLNT), 2nd '28 (ERI), 3rd '25 (NIAG), 3rd '26 (SAR), 3rd '27 (KGN), 4th '28 (ERI), 5th '27 (KGN), 7th '28 (KIT)
SAG - 2nd '28 (ERI), 4th '28 (ERI)
NBAY - 2nd '25 (BRANT)
Jan 8th
OS - Konnor Smith
BRAM - 2nd '25 (WSR), 7th '25 (LDN), 3rd '26 (OTT), 6th '26 (BRAM), 5th '27 (BRAM), 2nd '28 (LDN), 10th '28 (BRAM)
WSR - 5th '25 (NIAG)
KGN - Luke McNamara
Jan 9th
SAG - 10th '25 (SAR)
SAR - Kaden Johnston
KGN - Nolan Lalonde, 3rd '26 (SSM), 5th '25 (BRAM), 6th '28 (KGN)
SSM - Charlie Schenkel
PTBO - 4th '27 (SBY), 6th '28 (PTBO)
OTT - Brady Stonehouse
BRANT - 3rd '26 (SAG), 5th '27 (NBAY)
GUE - Thomas Budnick
WSR - Adrian Manzo, 2nd '25 (KIT), 3rd '26 (BAR), 4th '27 (BAR), Condt. 8th '27 (WSR)
NBAY - Wyatt Kennedy
SAR - Jonathan Kapageridis
NBAY - 2nd '25 (KIT), 3rd '27 (OTT), 8th '27 (NBAY)
Jan 10th
BRANT- Noah Roberts
SBY- 2nd '27 (KIT), 2nd '28 (SBY), 3rd '26 (SBY), Condt 3rd '28 (SBY)
OSH - Shawn Costello, 3rd '28 (OSH), 4th '26 (OS)
WSR - Ethan Martin
SBY - Andrew Gaulton
SAR - Karsen Chartier
SBY - Nolan Jackson, 2nd '27 (SSM), 2nd '27 (SBY), 3rd '25 (SBY), 3rd '27 (BRAM), 5th '25 (SBY), Condt. 7th '28 (SBY), Condt. 8th '27 (SBY), Condt. 9th '27 (SBY)
OTT - Henry Mews
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