eco's bones
Registered User
I know how to read and I read varied sources.
I suggest whatever safety protocols make people feel safe. For those who are deathly afraid of this virus, please stay at home. That is the best way to avoid any potential exposure. For those who feel that they are healthy and not immuno-compromised, please go about living your life.
To be clear--you are not in Italy and have not been there relatively recently though?....because part of the reason why Covid has made a comeback in the United States is because it exhausts the will of people to continue to do the right things and people have slackened and IMO even though we Americans are endowed by the creator as a people with a clear mission from God--a manifest destiny if you want to argue that anyway we still share a lot of commonalities with peoples around the globe whether they live in Europe, Asia, Africa or South America and all those other peoples can get just as exhausted with this pandemic as we can and slacken off too. It's spiking all over the globe and it's spiking all over the United States.
True--a vaccine may be near--maybe several even. Effectiveness of such when they make their appearance will be another question. True also that medicos are a lot more effective in saving people's lives than they were previously----keeping in mind that the long effects of having had a serious case of Covid still has to be sorted out as it does seem to damage organs sometimes permanently---which whether you think it deadly to your particular age group or not that might be something else to put some thought to. Like yeah I survived but my heart or my lungs or my kidneys are f***ed up or I can't remember shit I did 5 minutes ago. Also consider the hospital--if it has a bunch of Covid patients they'll need their own ward and their own staff--doctors/nurses---threee shifts and to cover weekends etc. The PPE--the ventilators--all that nonsense and their own patients are putting them and their families at risk as well and if the hospital gets overwhelmed with Covid patients everything goes to hell.
Also for those who want to just go on living their least have the courtesy to stay away from those you might harm or at least those who aren't into assuming the same risks as you are and be ready to apologize to doctors and nurses who might have to save your life later on.