That's wise.If your car payment or other bills will save you interest by paying off early then maybe, other wise there is no financial benefit in pre paying.
That being said I do pay ahead a month for my water bill. After decades of paying on time I got a message from the water district saying that I was late and am subject to having my water cut off the next morning if I didn't come in that day. My water bill is just a post card and apparently one month it got lost. I called and they admitted that I had a stellar pay record but that did not matter and I was scheduled for cut off and a fee for re connection if I didn't pay that day. Now I keep a $50 credit at the water company which is more than my bill.
Back when we still used checks for every payment, no online yet, I sent out a stack of maybe 7 payments. They got lost or stolen and I had no clue til I started getting calls from creditors. NES called first and unlike the normal "creditor" call, it was "Is everything okay? You always pay on time and we didn't get a payment. We were worried!" The others weren't THAT nice but almost everyone waived the late fee.
BFC--You might save half and pay ahead on anything you're charged interest on.