I'm defending common sense and decency as much as you. I don't like people misrepresenting things or trying to obfuscate their involvement/responsibility for stuff. If someone has legit news to share, cool. But if they're going to share stuff that doesn't add up and then try to shift blame to other parties in an effort not to be held accountable for the inconsistencies in their story or apparent manipulation of events, I'm going to want to address it.
Seems like he might be a bit too Leafs-centric for a general sports show that has nationwide reach. I know they've had any of Faizal Khamisa, Donovan Bennett, and Danielle Michaud (I think that's her name?) cover when Tim & Sid have been off, so I would wonder if one of them might be a replacement candidate. Actually, didn't Michaud take off for a while because she had a kid or something? I would think that a regular afternoon/evening gig would be a better/more stable gig for her to work around for family time than hosting graveyard shift editions of Connected.