Waived: [NYI] S. Bolduc, P. Engvall, H. Fasching, L. Foudy, M. Hogberg, G. Hutton, F. Karlstrom, J. Skarek waived by the Islanders (cleared)


Always open minded
Oct 2, 2011
What future? Islanders have a 3 year window at best and that window is to hopefully sneak into a wild card, and until Eiserman proves anything he is another questionable prospect
I thought they looked fabulous in the preseason.


Registered User
Sep 27, 2008
Gatineau, Quebec


U.S.S. Wang
Jul 13, 2007
Lou has completely f***ed the New York Islanders for the next decade as I predicted 2 years ago when instead of starting the rebuild he went all in and made the idiotic Horvat trade and this trade and signing and now the Islanders are stuck in mediocrity for the next 2-3 years until they are forced to start a long and a miserable rebuild

You could’ve saved some keystrokes and written ‘I don’t watch the Islanders or know much about their situation’.
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Business of Hockey
Jul 13, 2006
South Mountain
Engvall is exactly who a rebuilding team with lots of cap space, may look hard at claiming. Even with the contract.

Think this is just Lou trying to dump the contract. Can’t really see him not ending up playing in the NHL this season. The Ducks could use him for example.. He works hard and plays the game the right way. Exactly what you want around your kids. He’s a consistent 30 point player. They keep him for 3 years, then he’s probably pretty easy to move or buyout cheap.

Rebuilding teams want the flexibility to open up bottom 6 forward roster slots to give their up and coming ELC forwards ice time. If Engvall only had a couple years on his contract remaining I could see one of the rebuilding teams interested in him, but six years is way too much term

Also Engvall doesn’t have a track record where teams might view him as a good veteran presence to mentor the young guys.


Always open minded
Oct 2, 2011
Imagine if they buy him out. NYI would be on the hook until 2036..

That's insane.
It is insane and it was a mistake. Ultimately that's the problem every GM learns when they take over the Islander helm. You have to do crazy things simply because most big name players don't want to sign on the Island when all the glitz and glamour are only 1/2 hour away playing at Madison Square Garden. Engvall may have been the best of what Lou thought he would get given that he swung and missed at every attempt at a name player not named Horvat. The Isles have always had to build from the draft. Draftees have no choice in the matter and eventually learn to love playing on Long Island and in fact often hate to leave. Once an Islander always an Islander and that's because it takes someone special to want to play for the Islanders. It really is like a family here and you can hear it it from the players. Tsyplakov could have gone anywhere but he is smart. He knows he could play a bigger role away from the big lights and big cities also it apparently helped that former Islander Shane Prince his teammate in the KHL helped convince him to sign with the Isles. I think the future is very bright for the Islanders at least for the next 5 years. Still can't believe other teams left Cole Eiserman on the table.


Registered User
Jul 13, 2010
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Six more years still. Yikes.

Kind of a shame that he's another player who is going to get Wade Reddened out of the league because a GM made a stupid decision though. There are plenty of teams that could use a player like Engvall, even at something similar to that cap hit. Just simply...not for nearly half that long. But it was an obviously insane contract to sign the guy to at the time, in term more so than AAV. And Engvall still gets his money so he'll probably be alright. Just sucks a bit to see NHL caliber players washed out of a talent-thin pool, with worse players getting the jobs instead, because in the immortal words of Bobby Lou, "his contract sucks", or as Lou Lams himself put it, "too much, for too long".

Peripheral to all that, i'm a little bit surprised about Bolduc. A big, young defenceman who seemed to at least be finding his way to the NHL. I could actually see a claim on him. Also weird in that...i count only 6 Defencemen on their NHL roster now. So either Lou is planning on making a waivers pickup of his own, or a trade of some sort...or they're running a real risky "ice a roster under the cap" sort of game, that stands a significant non-zero chance of costing them a decent young defenceman.


Registered User
Jul 13, 2010
I'd be surprised if Bolduc doesn't get claimed. Wouldn't mind him as 7th D project on the Oilers.

I also think there's a pretty decent Bolduc gets claimed. But are the Oilers really in the right position or "phase" to be tinkering around with a "Project 7th D"? Feel like they'd be better served just rolling with some ho hum "know what you're gonna get", knows their roles, press box jockey filler type. Who can just step in and well..."could be worse".

Rebuilding teams want the flexibility to open up bottom 6 forward roster slots to give their up and coming ELC forwards ice time. If Engvall only had a couple years on his contract remaining I could see one of the rebuilding teams interested in him, but six years is way too much term

Also Engvall doesn’t have a track record where teams might view him as a good veteran presence to mentor the young guys.

Yeah. I don't know that Engvall is what "rebuilding teams" really look for as a veteran mentor. He seems like he does work hard most of the time, but he's clearly not an assertive "tone setting" sort of player.

He's more, the type of player a team might be okay with icing while they're just absolutely tanking out a couple seasons and just need "warm bodies" to throw out there. But with 6 years left, that won't fly.

Or he's the sort of "middle-6 utility/filler" that a competitive team is okay with icing (ideally for cheap). But again...with an insane 6 years of commitment left, that dog won't hunt.


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