NY Post Larry Brooks: NHL Selling Out Fans - Not Games


Veni Vidi Toga
Jul 29, 2003
What a giant load of bull. Front to back. An affront to the facts and to logic. This post, and the several before it, is so loaded with inaccuracies, fallacious arguments and union claptrap that it does not merit a detailed response. Thinkwild, please refer back to every discussion during the lockout in which you participated and when (I might add) you were completely schooled without exception (or pwned, as the kids say these days) for the appropriate response.

lol.. pwned. I got you good didnt I. Forcing you to resort to personal attacks and avoiding the issue? I dont blame you. Could be embarassing otherwise.

You said we blathered about tickets being more expensive. And yet the owners admitted it. Who is blathering?


lol.. pwned. I got you good didnt I. Forcing you to resort to personal attacks and avoiding the issue? I dont blame you. Could be embarassing otherwise.

You said we blathered about tickets being more expensive. And yet the owners admitted it. Who is blathering?


And to answer your question ... you are.

We know whose positions were annihilated in the past, and whose positions continue to be unfounded. My lack of detailed response is, I assure you, due to being tired.


Registered User
Aug 30, 2004
No I'm not going to look it up. You replied to my post, if you don't want to elaborate on what you're talking about than you shouldn't have replied in the first place.

If you don't have the ability or will to pay attention to the discussion at hand, I'm not gonna start repeating things here just because you're too lazy.

Pay attention or scroll back. More affordable can mean just about everything.

Actually most of the quotes I have seen are from September of 04. That's not way before the lockout.

Again pay attention, it's really frustrating trying to have a civilized and rational discussion with someone who keeps missing the points all the time.

But let me repeat:

At the 2004 All-Star Game, league commissioner Gary Bettman said, "I believe with the right economic system, many, many, if not most of our teams, will actually lower ticket prices. I believe we owe it to our fans to have lower ticket prices."

I.e that was way before the lock-out (february 2004).

And besides, what you're telling me is that the right deal was a CBA that didn't have to be negotiated with the PA? I mean it's ridiculous Bettman would ever expect to get a deal like that, don't you think?

No, I didn't tell you that. Are you intentionally making up stuff or just trying to be funny?

And don't you think it's ridiculous that he sold the lockout to us and the media by saying the league would become more affordable, but that was only if the league got a CBA which was basically impossible to get?


It REALLY shouldn't be this hard.

Bettman said "more affordable" which is something that has already happened, currently the ticket prices are ~10% cheaper on average than before the lock-out.

Bettman said most teams would lower the ticket prices in the RIGHT economic system. That was in feb 2004. How likely/unlikely to reach that "right economic system" is impossible to say since we don't even know what that "right economic system is".


Registered User
Aug 30, 2004
And I remember when Burke came out and said arbitration is inflationary and it was widely parroted here. Of course now we all know it wasnt inflationary. '

Your whole post was simply rubbish but this part was the worst of all.

Maybe you'd like to prove your claim (not that I'm expecting you to come back with any reasonable evidence, I mean you haven't been able to prove a single claim of yours since 2004).


Registered User
Mar 11, 2003
Tonawanda, NY
we cancelled a season to attain the wrong economic system?

The season was cancelled because the players didn't want to link salaries to revenues in any way. The current CBA is probably a lot closer to the right economic system than the previous system was. But a lot of this debate is pretty meaningless since a number of teams DID lower ticket prices (including my team), and a number of teams still have lower ticket prices (including my team).

The people that are complaining now are the same people who were complaining about the lockout - fans of large market teams that benefited the most under the previous CBA. And you guys do have reason to be bitter. Your teams payroll is down, but your teams are the ones that did not feel the need to reduce prices, and your teams will never reduce prices since they will always make a profit due to the large pool of fans they can market to.

If you want cheaper tickets in your market, you should be taking that up with your team, since Bettman has absolutely no say in how a team sets it's ticket prices...


Brooks has always been an idiot so I see no reason to give him any credit today.

The number of fans in attendance in Washington and the number of people watching NHL hockey on TV in Arkansas made absolutely no difference to the amount of enjoyment I receive from attending and watching Oilers games.

Who cares about ratings and attendance figures? All it means is the players and owners have less to divvy up. It doesn't affect me at all.


Brooks has always been an idiot so I see no reason to give him any credit today.

The number of fans in attendance in Washington and the number of people watching NHL hockey on TV in Arkansas made absolutely no difference to the amount of enjoyment I receive from attending and watching Oilers games.

Who cares about ratings and attendance figures? All it means is the players and owners have less to divvy up. It doesn't affect me at all.

You may want to consider not bothering to read or post on the Business of Hockey board, then. Those types of things are the subject matter of this board (and properly so, I might add).


You may want to consider not bothering to read or post on the Business of Hockey board, then. Those types of things are the subject matter of this board (and properly so, I might add).

You don't have to get offended, I was offering some common sense perspective. People get worked up over an issue that doesn't really affect anything.

For 88 years the NHL has thrived while being a fringe league in the US. Why is it so critical to grow beyond that? Things have been excellent, there is no reason to delcare failure simply because certain markets have never wanted the product.


You don't have to get offended, I was offering some common sense perspective. People get worked up over an issue that doesn't really affect anything.

For 88 years the NHL has thrived while being a fringe league in the US. Why is it so critical to grow beyond that? Things have been excellent, there is no reason to delcare failure simply because certain markets have never wanted the product.
Oh I am not at all offended. I am merely pointing out that, when you say it "doesn't really affect anything", I believe what you are really saying is "it doesn't really affect anything of meaning to me". These things affect the economics of the NHL, a subject in which a number of people have interest (hence the existence of this board). You are certainly entitled to not be interested, but it would be appreciated if you just let us all talk about what we want to talk about without suggesting that it is meaningless.



Registered User
Jun 18, 2004
For 88 years the NHL has thrived while being a fringe league in the US. Why is it so critical to grow beyond that? Things have been excellent, there is no reason to delcare failure simply because certain markets have never wanted the product.

I know we had a pretty good argument a few weeks back (which shockingly included reasons why we both felt we were right, not a personal attack on someone's intelligence), but I totally agree with you here. If the NHL is a fringe sport, then let it be. Don't try to force it into becoming something its not. This another of my major problems with Bettmsn et al, they've spent so much time trying to sway fans they'll never have at the expense of lifelong fans they've already had.


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