Nuanced things that bother you as a player

Filthy Dangles

Registered User*
Oct 23, 2014
As a defenseman, I hate when defending a neutral zone forecheck or a rush against and I am trying to gap up on my man but a forward on my own team is behind me not covering anyone, either being lazy or too passive or not knowing how to defend, which in turn causes me to have to back up and sag and give them more room to operate.

Sometimes even my defense partner will be way too loose with his gap and that again causes me to have to back up and not able to play agressive because there's so much open ice, realy grinds my gears.


Registered User
May 19, 2017
1. Poor shot selection.

To elaborate, there’s been so many times on the rush a team mate misses the net, it rims fully around and the other team is on an odd-man rush. Also, defensemen taking point shots on the power play.

At the level of hockey that I played, no forward is tipping the puck on a consistent basis enough for it to be a good play, and no defensemen is consistently walking the line to get shots through.

2. Cycling and give and go’s

Maybe it’s being too hard, however I hate when the defensemen on the point passes to me at the sidewall and doesn’t cut to the net for me to give it back. Also when I cycle the puck down and there’s no one there. (and no one in the slot)
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Registered User
Mar 30, 2006
richmond, virginia.
As I've gotten older, I really don't like being continuously cross checked in the back in front of the opposing goalie. Don't mind being pushed or tied up, but just repeatedly getting sticked in the back sucks.

Ref allowing opposing center to either come too far in or sit too far out of the faceoff circle. It makes my own attempts at cheating less effective.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
In beer league/rec league, goalie teammates who handle the puck drive me crazy. As a D, just stop the puck and leave it alone so I can pick it up in stride. You are not Martin Brodeur, you got no business trying to handle the puck and make plays. All your going to do is make a mistake the D will have to clean up.
Jan 21, 2011
I loathe when players don't play positions properly. I'm not even a defenseman, but I find when I am playing pickup hockey at my local rink I am always stuck to play back since everyone else bombs forward. There was one scenario recently where there was a pileup in front of the net, and the opposing forward on the other team and myself looked at each other and shook our heads.

I hate when players try to take slapshots from anywhere and everywhere. There's a time and place for it, and it's not when your on top of the crease
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Registered User
May 3, 2006
I loathe when players don't play positions properly. I'm not even a defenseman, but I find when I am playing pickup hockey at my local rink I am always stuck to play back since everyone else bombs forward. There was one scenario recently where there was a pileup in front of the net, and the opposing forward on the other team and myself looked at each other and shook our heads.

I hate when players try to take slapshots from anywhere and everywhere. There's a time and place for it, and it's not when your on top of the crease
It wasnt even beer league, just shinny, and some 6'5 goon took a clapper from the dot. Right off my fn collar bone. Surprised it didn't break but I do have a cool scar (btw goalie)

Yukon Joe

Registered User
Aug 3, 2011
Having that guy on the team/your line that always has something to say to you about your last shift, how you should have done this or that. STFU.

That's always such a fine line. I'm still a beginning player, so I do like some degree of constructive criticism and dislike it if my linemates aren't telling me anything.

But absolutely - if you're constantly in my ear after every last shift I do feel like STFU.
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Registered User
Jan 13, 2014
That's always such a fine line. I'm still a beginning player, so I do like some degree of constructive criticism and dislike it if my linemates aren't telling me anything.

But absolutely - if you're constantly in my ear after every last shift I do feel like STFU.
More along the lines off the advice giver thinking their shit don't stink. They will give you a crappy pass (put it behind you) and blame you for not stopping when you are attacking the net on a 2 on 1.


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Defending in our zone... wrap the puck around hoping to get it out, opposing D steps up and sends it back in.

20 seconds later, send the puck around to the same side, opposing D steps up and sends it back in.

20 seconds later, same thing in the same place

Wingers -- you get maybe one freebie because we all make mistakes, but step up on the ****ing defenseman at the point if he's repeatedly extending possessions.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2005
San Jose, CA
My biggest pet peeve is the opposite of this:

I hate when players try to take slapshots from anywhere and everywhere. There's a time and place for it, and it's not when your on top of the crease

It is so annoying when I have a linemate who has time and space and a clear shooting lane to the net and passes up the shot try to make some ill advised pass through like 3 defenders.

It really bugs me when I'm driving hard to the net expecting a shot and anticipating a rebound but instead I get a fluttering bouncing pass that by the time I get control of it the defence has collapsed on me and I don't get a scoring opportunity.

For God's sake if the defence is giving you the shot, take the shot.
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Alexander the Gr8

Registered User
May 2, 2013
Guys that call for a pass when they're not open at all, leading to an immediate odd man rush the other way. I actually gave shit to one of my teammates for doing that last week.


Dahlin, it’ll all be fine
Dec 17, 2018
Defending in our zone... wrap the puck around hoping to get it out, opposing D steps up and sends it back in.

20 seconds later, send the puck around to the same side, opposing D steps up and sends it back in.

20 seconds later, same thing in the same place

Wingers -- you get maybe one freebie because we all make mistakes, but step up on the ****ing defenseman at the point if he's repeatedly extending possessions.

Ya, that’s one of my big ones- had a captain tell the team the wingers gotta come down to the corners and he wanted me to support his idea- I gently said that it depends on the play, but they gotta be able to get to the point as well. That’s where our problem was, the opposing D hemming us in and our wingers being unavailable for outlet passes.

Forwards that keep backing up and backing up and soon they've backed up all the way past their own defensemen. I mean come on, pressure the puck carrier and if he gets past you, that's why you have d-men.

I was primarily a forward, didn’t realize how bad our team was until I tried D for a few games. Dear lord, if you’re a forward still skating backwards at your own blue line there’s a problem. Challenge the guy, I ended up in the corners just waiting for the forwards to do something as the opposition shot from around the circles.

The other big one for me is moving to passing lanes/skating. Don’t slap your stick on the ice when you’re stationary and covered, that’s a good way to never get passed to again. Separate from your man, move your feet before I even have a chance to see you. I’ll look up and find the dude who’s widest open, don’t worry about that- but if you’re standing right before the point man that breakout pass isn’t happening, I’ll just skate it up myself and make you follow me.

Also had a teammate mention that maybe I forgot he was lefty- keep in mind I was playing well below my level (hence all the above) and this dude didn’t do shit on defense, didn’t pass, just wanted me to feed him goals. Like- ok man, and you’ve got a backhand, figure it out my guy. I swear, fed him a tap-in 3 feet from the net and he has the audacity to critique me for not passing to his covered forehand.

Also 5 minute shifts from talented players. I absolutely exploded on a kid for that. Dude completely gassed himself and gave up a goal when he was playing 4 levels down from where he shoulda been, and it f***ing enraged me. Plenty of guys want ice time, it was normally forgiven because he was good, but he stopped being good 3 minutes in. Hit the bench hot dog.
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What do we want!? Unfair!
Sep 8, 2008
Forwards who don't skate east/west when looking for an outlet pass. There are five other players who are trying to prevent me from completing this pass, force them to move and give me a lane so I can get it to you.

Defensemen who don't gap up properly. You can't be afraid to get burned, you have to force the puck carrier to make a decision under pressure and not give him the time and space to make a play in your zone.

Defensemen who pinch on a player coming up with speed and reach for the puck standing still. Almost never works, and there are enough decent players in the league to get around you without any issue.

Defensemen who vacate the front of the net or ignore the player in front either accidentally or intentionally.
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Registered User
Jan 5, 2016
Guys that don't know how to saucer pass or when to pass the puck to open teammates. You're not Connor McDavid, pass the f***ing puck instead of getting stripped trying to skate though an entire team. Selfish, pure and simple.

Its beer league, a lot of players can’t stick handle and see the ice. It’s either carry or stop. Sometimes it’s selfish, but sometimes it’s simply ability.

Defending in our zone... wrap the puck around hoping to get it out, opposing D steps up and sends it back in.

20 seconds later, send the puck around to the same side, opposing D steps up and sends it back in.

20 seconds later, same thing in the same place

Wingers -- you get maybe one freebie because we all make mistakes, but step up on the ****ing defenseman at the point if he's repeatedly extending possessions.

1) How about the D learning that if the winger is not going to get to the boards for the outlet they have to get it out another way?

2) Tell the forwards to get on the boards for the outlet instead of having a plan of giving it to the opposing D and expecting pressure.

Guys that call for a pass when they're not open at all, leading to an immediate odd man rush the other way. I actually gave shit to one of my teammates for doing that last week.

Everybody wants the puck. The real issue is the guy who passes it to the guy who isn’t open, just because he called for it.

Alexander the Gr8

Registered User
May 2, 2013
Everybody wants the puck. The real issue is the guy who passes it to the guy who isn’t open, just because he called for it.

So if you’re a center leading the rush and one of your wingers is screaming at you to give them a drop pass near the high slot and it gets intercepted, how are you supposed to know to ignore them? Hard to look back when you’re already busy working against the D one on one.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2016
So if you’re a center leading the rush and one of your wingers is screaming at you to give them a drop pass near the high slot and it gets intercepted, how are you supposed to know to ignore them? Hard to look back when you’re already busy working against the D one on one.
If you have good vision you know where everyone is on the ice. If you’re giving drop passes that get intercepted than you don’t know where the other teams players are, so you shouldn’t be making a blind pass.


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