Norway Hockey

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GuloGulo said:
They should've been in the '94 Olympics as well, seeing as they hosted the games that time... :sarcasm:

Oops, silly me. You're right. 80 might have been the last time they made it without an automatic slot though.

The break-up of the USSR countries like Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia radically changed the world rankings as well. Countries like Norway had a an easier time qualifying for Olympics and World Championships prior to Latvia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazahkstan began playing as independent countries and Czechoslovakia split into two.
Game_Misconduct said:
....The break-up of the USSR countries like Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia radically changed the world rankings as well. Countries like Norway had a an easier time qualifying for Olympics and World Championships prior to Latvia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazahkstan began playing as independent countries and Czechoslovakia split into two.
Well, it has been good in the sense that it has made hockey more competitive as you move down the different pools (Div I, Div II etc) with all these new teams raising the level.

Some countries that have been around a long time have floundered because of this (eg, Romania was usually a B-pool country, ranked in the low teens, but now they are ranked in the high 20s - mind you there are a multitide of problems for hockey in Romania...), others have taken on the challange and tried to improve their national programs (eg, Denmark and Hungary in recent years.)
GCZ said:
Now this is balderdash. There isn't significant genetic differences between Scandinavian people.

It's not balderdash. The genetic differences are concrete and verifiable, well beyond the definition of random occurence. It's the same throughout Europe. The further West you go, the smaller and lighter the people get in terms of average and standard deviation among the population.
moneyp said:
It's not balderdash. The genetic differences are concrete and verifiable, well beyond the definition of random occurence. It's the same throughout Europe. The further West you go, the smaller and lighter the people get in terms of average and standard deviation among the population.

Well seeing as i live as about far west as you can go in Europe, it is "balderdash." Lighter? Id say the further west you go the heavier you get.
J17ster said:
Well seeing as i live as about far west as you can go in Europe, it is "balderdash." Lighter? Id say the further west you go the heavier you get.

Thanks. I'll bring your perspective up at the next Archaeogenetics conference.
moneyp said:
It's not balderdash. The genetic differences are concrete and verifiable, well beyond the definition of random occurence. It's the same throughout Europe. The further West you go, the smaller and lighter the people get in terms of average and standard deviation among the population.

This is entirely true. It's actually also true in the US as well. People who live in NY average around 8' tall 300 pds., whereas in Vegas and LA they are about 3' tall and under 75 pds. I don't know why this is but it's an undeniable fact; the further west you go the smaller people get. In Hawaii people are about the size of squirrels, but than when you cross the prime meridian they become over 10 feet tall. I don't know the reasons for this effect, I believe it has to do with gravity.
moneyp said:
Not if the dominant genetic mixture is Indo-European.

There is no indo-european genetics or race. Indo-european is strictly a language nominator. Hungarians are genetically the same as their neighbours even though their language is ugric. Laplanders on the other hand have linguistic relation to the Finns, but are a different genetic stock.
moneyp said:
Thanks. I'll bring your perspective up at the next Archaeogenetics conference.

Id say all the stuff you just said was a myth or an urban legend, but to be a legend other people have to have heard of it. I can tell you as a fact, that the further west you does not mean the lighter the people are. The amount of available jokes we have to mock "heavy" people is awesome.

How do you explain the Dutch being the tallest nation in europe, when they are further west than alot of countries in europe?
J17ster said:
How do you explain the Dutch being the tallest nation in europe, when they are further west than alot of countries in europe?

I wouldn't explain it, because it isn't true. Montenegro is the tallest nation in Europe at last report. A consultation with an up-to-date atlas will reveal that it is far east of the Netherlands.
moneyp said:
I wouldn't explain it, because it isn't true. Montenegro is the tallest nation in Europe at last report. A consultation with an up-to-date atlas will reveal that it is far east of the Netherlands.

lol, still doesnt exactly back up your thoery. The further west you go the smaller you become sounds very odd, and i dont believe it for a second. Nations vary, i doubt it has much to do with "alignment". Its absurd to think that western european countries are lighter. You honestly think that?


And Weep.

Gosh, who to believe? I should point out that I didn't see any of these websites before reporting it here. It was stated in a report from the European Human Genetics Conference on the genetic makeup of various nations.

In any event, you can read in that Wiki that the Dutch's "growth spurt" is relatively recent (genetically speaking) and so far unexplained.
Even taller than the Slav's are the Japanese; I believe they are the tallest nation on earth on average. Most scientists say it's because of Japan's eastern location. This is also why the Japanese are traditionally a hockey powerhouse.
moneyp said:
In any event, you can read in that Wiki that the Dutch's "growth spurt" is relatively recent (genetically speaking) and so far unexplained.

You should forget genetics here. Nutrition during growth years plays a much important role than genetic background. That's why 2nd and 3rd generation Middle Eastern immigrants in the Netherlands are significantly taller than Middle Eastern people in general. It is a researched fact that Dutch children receive the best nutrition in the World, which is the biggest reason why Netherlands are among the tallest nations in the world.

Anyway, if Montenegrians are taller than Western Europeans on average, it still doesn't mean that all slavic people are that tall. In fact, other slavic people are shorter than Western Europeans.
I realise that the IIHF, NHL, and local Elite leagues don't have some sort of mandate to the grow the game of hockey.. but with all the money the NHL brings in you would think they could start building some hockey arena's in countries that lack them for whatever reason... which that, coupled with how expensive hockey equipment is seems to be a major barrier to the growth of the game.

How much does it cost to build a decent indoor hockey arena? is it completely unaffordable for the NHL and IIHF to team up and fund the construction?
Tb0ne said:
I realise that the IIHF, NHL, and local Elite leagues don't have some sort of mandate to the grow the game of hockey.. but with all the money the NHL brings in you would think they could start building some hockey arena's in countries that lack them for whatever reason... which that, coupled with how expensive hockey equipment is seems to be a major barrier to the growth of the game.
Good luck getiing Wirtz and Jacobs to part with a plug nickle.

That said Bettman has some growth initiatives in the states like Willie O'Ree all-stars, but more needs to be done here and abroad.
GCZ said:
You should forget genetics here. Nutrition during growth years plays a much important role than genetic background. That's why 2nd and 3rd generation Middle Eastern immigrants in the Netherlands are significantly taller than Middle Eastern people in general. It is a researched fact that Dutch children receive the best nutrition in the World, which is the biggest reason why Netherlands are among the tallest nations in the world.
Is that what makes Dutch women so hot?
Tall, schmall...Finns have got SISU, and the 'Wegians ain't got it.

Just kidding!

It's all about dedication to the game. If some hockey mastemind picked twenty NewZealanders or Guatemalans or even Norwegians from birth and raised them to be hockey machines - guess what! - I bet that they'd be excellent world class hockey players!

Tb0ne said:
I realise that the IIHF, NHL, and local Elite leagues don't have some sort of mandate to the grow the game of hockey.. but with all the money the NHL brings in you would think they could start building some hockey arena's in countries that lack them for whatever reason... which that, coupled with how expensive hockey equipment is seems to be a major barrier to the growth of the game.

How much does it cost to build a decent indoor hockey arena? is it completely unaffordable for the NHL and IIHF to team up and fund the construction?

i dont think its the cost to build one that hurtss...but rather to maintain one....rinks cost huge amounts of energy to keep them operational
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