How about the old school way and keep your 1st line on your first Pp and second line on your second pp
Familiarity and chemistry and obvious talent .
I know i know it’s about the SH and min , who Friggen cares ..start developing other , bottom 6 to fill in those roles ..
Top 6= top 6 min and play mostly offensive situations
Bottom 6 = bottom 6 min and play mostly defensive situations
So you play alot more or less sometimes for individual players , it all evens out ..
I don’t think one of the top PP in the league for a long time now Boston’s ( Marchand , Bergeron , Pasta ) line have been affected negatively... or just look into the past , almost all great PP have been the top lines with lots of success ...
Sometimes not reinventing the wheel and not over thinking and coaching , so so speak , is the answer ...
Play your 2 top lines mostly in the playoffs !!
Go Leafs Go