So how did everyone’s predictions work out? The top four is set and while the bottom three positions are still TBD I don’t think too many people really care.
If I had Calgary and Edmonton switches I’d have gotten the playoff teams and seeds right on. What a gross overestimation of Calgary I had. Markstrom was mediocre, Giordano has lost a step from his Norris form, and Lindholm, who is the Flames actual #1C, just doesn’t stack up against other centres in this division. Flames just had no offence to speak of.
Edmonton, who the hell thought Mike Smith would have this kind of season? Nurse and Barrie offensively have been real good for them and helped make the absence of Klefbom. And McDavid, what is there to even say, just a mutant this year carrying that team. Draisaitl is elite too but McDavid is the straw that stirs the drink.
Toronto, my confidence was not misplaced for this regular season, though my only misses predictions-wise were thinking Andersen would bounce back and that Rielly would find his 5th place Norris form. Campbell has been fantastic stepping up and taking the reigns as the #1G. Rielly has been good but not at the level we’ve seen from him.