11 now. Incidentally, that puts him 1G/60 at 5v5, ahead of Matthews at 0.98 and behind only Knies, Nylander and McMann. Technically Reavo has a slight edge with 0.47 assist/60 (for a grand total of 2 this season), and a marginally lower G/60 of 0.00. Also Reavo has an impressive 33.3% GF%.
Now of course people have argued this thread's ridiculous premise on the basis that Reaves might have a goal this season if he were given third line minutes like Robertson has, but if you're seriously entertaining the notion that Reaves should get more ice time, there's not much hope in convincing you of anything.
Anyway none of this is meant to boost Robertson - his flaws are numerous - but for a 53rd overall pick he's done better than expected and frankly we don't have many better options in the bottom 6. Would Steeves have a more impressive statline given the same opportunity? Perhaps, but oh well. Maybe Tre should have never signed Reaves in the first place and given Steeves a shot instead and then this thread never would have been made.