If it was Jersey and involved Mercer... I'll dieAll I care about is the return for Linus. It seems like they are having trouble trading him. Teams not beating down the door.
Are we going to do okay, or is he gonna get moved for pennies this summer?
Then sell off the expiring assets as you aren’t going to compete with a lot of these teams in the playoffs unless the only goal is winning one round against the leafs, Maroon and Peeke seem like moves in addition to something else that never happened. They don’t get better enough to beat anyone but Toronto so why waste the assets at all?I have to say I am somewhat surprised by the rather high expectations many here had considering Bruins went into this with 57K and not really much to offer.
I thought they might move some players .I have to say I am somewhat surprised by the rather high expectations many here had considering Bruins went into this with 57K and not really much to offer.
If that report is true, and I highly doubt it is, Good on Linus.All I care about is the return for Linus. It seems like they are having trouble trading him. Teams not beating down the door.
Are we going to do okay, or is he gonna get moved for pennies this summer?
Ha! Especially from those that think he’s a crap GM unable to pull off anything good.I have to say I am somewhat surprised by the rather high expectations many here had considering Bruins went into this with 57K and not really much to offer.
That's my guessSwayman extended?
That is absolutely BRUTALApparently San Jose is also retaining part of Hertl's contract FOR SIX YEARS.
Grier can't be long for that job.
Then sell off the expiring assets as you aren’t going to compete with a lot of these teams in the playoffs unless the only goal is winning one round against the leafs, Maroon and Peeke seem like moves in addition to something else that never happened. They don’t get better enough to beat anyone but Toronto so why waste the assets at all?
It teetered a couple of times.Most impressive thing about today was that we didn’t seem to crash the boards!