I think the boards going down at peak times is necessary to preserve the sanity of the users.
What sanity?

I think the boards going down at peak times is necessary to preserve the sanity of the users.
Nobody mention the secret HFBoards for the Real Posters that never goes down.
My boy George has been loading up on fuel. He looks kinda chunky I know, but his quads are fast twitch machines. He is nothing short of explosive out of the gate.Maybe rolling, but I race the hamsters against each other, I'm not crazy.
You mean the comment section of my onlyfans?
My ad blocker works OT every time I'm on this site, it madness how many adds this page has nowadays. Mobile is 10x worse that the desktop page and that is saying something.Maybe if they shut the ads down for one day it would work properly?
I gave the server hamsters cocaine. I mean I've never heard of cocaine.The sites actually running pretty damn good right now...