NHL Mega-Mock Draft Reboot - Discussion / Draft Thread – THANK YOU, HELLO PHASE TWENTY-SEVEN!

I've got it.


Team TV Family - The Sung Family (from "Reply 1988")
Well take our knight now and wait for confirmation of the other two picks so we don’t pick tip.

Sir Bors De Ganis

In Arthurian legend, two Sir Bors were a father and a son. The father was an early ally of King Arthur. He fought alongside King Arthur to defeat the Saxons and achieve peace in Camelot.

On the other hand, Sir Bors, the younger, had a much more complicated relationship with the king. He was one of the three Holy Grail knights alongside Galahad and Sir Percivale.

He returned from his quest to meet the conflict between Sir Lancelot and King Arthur, and being Sir Lancelot’s cousin; he took his side. Many legends claim that when Sir Lancelot died, Bors was bereft and left Camelot. Other accounts claim he died fighting in the crusades. Other versions say he became king of Frankish lands in Europe.

We don’t know if we have Bors the Father or Bors the Younger as he refuses to remove his helm and giggles every time we ask.

Many people might not realize but Bors is actually French meaning Briere.


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