NHL and NHLPA “watching closely” decline of Canadian dollar

Yukon Joe

Registered User
Aug 3, 2011
Good stats. Definitely seems like I was a bit off in my original perception of the US having an “edge” in terms of immigration numbers.

Not sure what you mean by “waving away” on immigration. I’m just saying that you can deduce certainties from growth based on natural born citizens because…well…those people have already been born and are in the country. There won’t be any more Canadian citizens born in 2010 alive in ten years as there are now.

On the other hand, we don’t know the future of immigration in terms of hard numbers. Across 27 years, yes, it has been on the rise, but this is neither a completely linear year by year nor a guaranteed long term rate. It could rise, fall, or stay roughly the same based on a whole host of issues that is so complex it’s barely worth discussion. Regardless, it’s inherently harder to predict than the population rising and falling based on already born citizens living within the country.

I know HF Boards does not want to get caught up in political debates (for good reason!) an immigration, and what the correct level of immigration should be, is quite contentious.

It was just to point out that discussing birth rates really isn't the most important factor - in either country.

It's mostly about immigration.
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Registered User
Jun 2, 2021
"tanking dollar" - Canadian dollar is at $0.69. It usually hovers in the mid-70s. Again obviously Canadian teams would prefer a higher exchange rate - but "tanking" is hardly the word for it.
Lotta people here that either didn't live through or have forgotten the .62/.63 days...


Registered User
Jun 25, 2019
The POV you replied to was the second response in a thread about declining revenue due to a declining exchange rate. One would naturally assume that “never talking about expanding in Canada again” in this context was about the aforementioned very unfavorable exchange rate.

You, strangely and apparently due to preexisting bias, created this nonsensical binary about how the post was saying that an unfavorable exchange rate meant Canadians don’t support their teams. Multiple times in this discussion, you have simply discarded all of the relevant information and subbed an artificial argument which you then counter while trying to hold the person (me, in most cases in this thread) to the false argument that you yourself concocted. And it started with your very first response to the third post in the thread.

What it seems like is this is an emotional topic for you and you’re only going to talk business as far as it supports your desired conclusion based on that bias.
Yes this was exactly what I was getting at. Not at all about team support. Very bizarre from @WeaponOfChoice

The don godfather

Registered User
Jul 5, 2018
Woodbridge Ontario
Everything will be fine once that clown leaves problem he isnt leaving and its showing world markets instability and why cad is tanking hard right now. Were in unprecedented times here in Canada right now.


