So far loving the Be a Pro. Playing in OHL on superstar and hardcore simulation and man I'm struggling from time to time
I get so much more satisfaction scoring a goal or more so getting an assist compared to last BaP modes. Gotte keep the play simple as my guy can't handle toe drags or little bumps from the opposing defensemen. Kinda wish my line mates could score more often but maybe it'll get better as I get more skilled guys on my wings.
One thing I noticed is that you can't really sim the games if you want to get drafted high. I was leading the league in points playing the 3rd period of every other game and my agent told me I'm unlikely to get drafted. I don't mind working my way up though. Also don't have a problem with playing the whole games it's just that when I did that in 15 (ps3) I would score over 100 points in my rookie season as 70 something overall player.