Still waiting on
I'll be around all day so just pm me when/if you want to play.
With hockey game tonight I doubt I will get around to playing this evening.. need to make feast for first game of hockey !
Where are Berglund, Cole, Schwartz, etc. and why have my lineups been changed?
Probably because the deals went through. Check to see if they're in your farm, its what happens when you go over cap.
People need to make sure not to claim these players over waivers.
refuses to reply to me when I message him, This is twice now I've seen him online and messaged him and he hasn'r gotten back to me.
Still need
are computer still...
Anyone who wants to join another gmc league
Thats Classy is the league name
free the rest of the day, if any of the following teams want to play just let me know:
i think someone took pacioretty...