I generally don't label anyone as a great hire or not, as a first impression. I think my post pretty conclusively indicates that I'm going to see how things go rather than have an immediate knee-jerk reaction. As I said, I think Mendes and Sylvain are high-quality sports journalists but being high-quality in one side of a field doesn't mean you'll automatically be high-quality in the other side of the field. For instance, being an excellent mathematician doesn't mean you'll be an excellent professor of mathematics. There are different aptitudes involved in the roles, different personalities that intersect with you and your work and different bureaucracies involved in accomplishing the things you want to accomplish. Also, when you spend a virtual lifetime in one side of the field, it can be difficult to "cross over" to the other side and excel. That's not a judgement of them and their capacity to do it but a realistic analysis of the hiring.