Hey Machinehead you still believe Nash has not been our best forward all year? He has been and it is not even close. Give me Stepan and Girardi back please Mika sucks.
Was he before the last handful of games as well? Because he was less than .5 a game then, and quite honestly mostly a SH guy with "intangibles"
Stepan was the most important piece in this forward group, every time he went out of the lineup everything went haywire. And that was when we had actual depth.
When Stepan was traded, he was traded for no player that can play in the NHL right now. We never addressed the huge open gap in our forward group for our 2nd C and most important PKer. Stepan was both a leader and a mentor on this team, and not replacing him with a center of a equal caliber for this season, means that we are going to go through the entire season without a proper 2C.
Cythil had 2 great games against 50% NHL team 50% AHL teams, and the front office banked on Cythil being the guy to replace Stepan. Against NHL men he was proven to be too small to fill the shoes right now, and was sent down immediately.
Hayes is not as good as Stepan offensively, and unlike Stepan he's not a guy who you can tic-tac-toe with. Stepan was great at that. Hayes and Nash are both huge egomonsters who carry rather than play.
Miller was supposed to take the reins, but he's not mature enough for the role, its painfully evident right now that he's not the guy. Miller is a wing.
Stepan was the glue. And with him and G gone, its essentially left to Zucc, Hank, McD and Nash to carry the team forward through example. Zucc is struggling since there is no consistency in linemates, and the quality of the linemates is questionable at best. Nash was a good defender for most of the season until he finally pieces it together the last 5 games, can he sustain it for the rest of the season?
Hank can't be human if we're going to make the PO's, he just can't. So the Rangers need to ask too much of their goaltender once again. McDonagh is not the player he was before he got the C, and he quite frankly hasn't been since. He's not the guy that leads the charge anymore.
I don't understand that AV is doing, but whatever it is he's doing its not working. A guy like Tortorella would be perfect as a interim option, a guy that screams in your face and doesn't let you relax, a guy who can truly get some fire going into men who have given up. Coaches like that are incredibly taxing for a long run, but as a short term option it'd be ideal.